<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Schema name="报表">
<cube name="cube_qc_pass_item" caption="报表1" encoding="UTF-8">
<table name="fact_qc_pass_record_item_join">
<Dimension name="models" foreignKey="model_id" caption="模板">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="model_name" primaryKey="id" primaryKeyTable="dim_qc_model">
<Table name="dim_qc_model" />
<Level name="model_name" column="name" caption="模板"/>
<Level name="model_id" column="id" caption="model_id"/>
<Measure name="times" column="id" aggregator="count" formatString="#,###0" datatype="Numeric" caption="总量"/>
NON EMPTY {Hierarchize({{[Measures].[times], [Measures].[notPass], [Measures].[pass]}})} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY {Hierarchize([models].[model_name].Members)} ON ROWS
FROM [cube_qc_pass_model] where [models].[model_id].[5cda6afa-f837-4603-af27-0915cfb812fd]
MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Hierarchy '[models]' appears in more than one independent axis.
NON EMPTY {Hierarchize({{[Measures].[times], [Measures].[notPass], [Measures].[pass]}})} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY Hierarchize(Union(CrossJoin([models].[model_name].Members, CrossJoin([times].[minute].Members, [agent_nos].[agent_no].Members)), CrossJoin([models].[model_id].[5cda6afa-f837-4603-af27-0915cfb812fd], CrossJoin([times].[minute].Members, [agent_nos].[agent_no].Members)))) ON ROWS
FROM [cube_qc_pass_model]
In fact, according to the syntax of MDX, you cannot place different levels of the same latitude in multiple places, such as one in rows and one in columns, or one in rows or columns and one in the where clause, like The first failed statement in the question
During cross-query, since different levels of the same dimension are used (not to mention that the two levels here are actually one-to-one correspondence), and one level is filtered, the other level is not filtered,
I haven’t found a good solution yet, so I changed the direction and realized the demand. Let me share it:
First rewrite the schema file and split model_name and model_id into two dimensions:
Use the following statement to query the data: