Look at the name of your com.xx.xx, create xx in the folder com in the current path, create xx in xx, copy the class file into it, and then return to the current path java com.xx.xx. Just name it and it’s ready to run
1.idea has been compiled, similar to 2. Switch the directory to the upper-level folder of the top-level directory of your package (my top-level is cn, to the upper-level directory of cn, I am E:workspacejavapackageDemooutproductionpackageDemo), add this directory to CLASSPATHE:workspacejavapackageDemooutproductionpackageDemo),将这个目录添加到CLASSPATH
3.在目录下打开cmd 4.执行java [package].className 3. Open cmd in the directory 4. Execute java [package].className
Look at the name of your com.xx.xx, create xx in the folder com in the current path, create xx in xx, copy the class file into it, and then return to the current path java com.xx.xx. Just name it and it’s ready to run
1.idea has been compiled, similar to
🎜🎜🎜🎜2. Switch the directory to the upper-level folder of the top-level directory of your package (my top-level is cn, to the upper-level directory of cn, I am E:workspacejavapackageDemooutproductionpackageDemo), add this directory to CLASSPATH
java [package].className
3. Open cmd in the directory 4. Execute
java [package].className