The vim that comes with Ubuntu is a streamlined version, and of course there is no syntax configuration.
You only need to install a full version of vim
Only vim has syntax support. When the vi command calls vim, it will run in vi compatibility mode. I googled vi and vim and gave you the first article
@holee mentioned in the comments that vi under ubuntu is vim. Since I am an Arch user and do not use ubuntu, I am not sure.
In short, use vim to call the editor, and make sure ~/.vimrc also has set nocompatible to ensure it is not running in vi compatibility mode.
The vim that comes with Ubuntu is a streamlined version, and of course there is no syntax configuration.
You only need to install a full version of vim
Only vim has syntax support. When the vi command calls vim, it will run in vi compatibility mode. I googled vi and vim and gave you the first article
@holee mentioned in the comments that vi under ubuntu is vim. Since I am an Arch user and do not use ubuntu, I am not sure.
In short, use vim to call the editor, and make sure ~/.vimrc also has
set nocompatible
to ensure it is not running in vi compatibility mode.