JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig(); config.setMaxActive(100); config.setMaxIdle(20); config.setMaxWait(1000l); config.setTestOnBorrow(true); JedisPool jedisPool= new JedisPool(config, "localhost");
JedisPool jedisPool= new JedisPool(config, "localhost");
Multiple markers at this line - The type org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool$Config cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files - The constructor JedisPool(GenericObjectPool$Config, String) refers to the missing type GenericObjectPool$Config jedis.jar的版本是2.1.0
Yes, the commons-pool dependency package must be added, otherwise the code will be correct and an error will be reported
It turns out that I forgot to add commons-pool, the basic package of GenericObjectPool
Update the redis client; the lower version of the redis client is compiled with Java8.