Of course you should choose Turing’s technical books for this kind of thing. Turing has a series of “fruit” tutorials on Objective-C, from basic “oranges” to advanced “durians”. Search Turing Objective-C on Amazon. C, you know what I’m talking about :D
Of course you should choose Turing’s technical books for this kind of thing. Turing has a series of “fruit” tutorials on Objective-C, from basic “oranges” to advanced “durians”. Search Turing Objective-C on Amazon. C, you know what I’m talking about :D
Recommended books from the Big Nerd Ranch series:
<ios Programming 4th Edition> http://book.douban.com/subject/21356354/
<Objective-C Programming> https://book.douban.com/subject/19962787/
Ry’s Objective-C Tutorial
Programming with Objective-C