我正在独立开发一个手机软件。由于是设计师出身,能够自己搞定界面设计,所以在有了一个 Idea 之后,并没有写任何 UseCase,而是通过 PS 之类的软件,将界面设计和 OOA 两样工作同时完成了。
现在软件界面已经设计完毕了,我不想直接就写代码,所以想补充做一些 OOA&D 方面的工作。由于在设计界面时我已经算是完成了很多的 OOAD,而我现在手上的视频教程教我的办法,并不适合我这种流程。所以我想请教一下那些有做 OOAD 的朋友,如果你现在拿到了一个完整的软件界面设计方案,你会做一些什么方面的 OOAD 工作,再开始写代码呢?
The software interface is designed, which means that the interaction process design is almost complete, that is, the sequence diagram can be drawn. Then you can analyze your interaction process, give the UserCase diagram, and then draw the analysis based on the UserCase diagram. Class diagram, then design class diagram, and finally coding, this process can be iterated many times.
No rule is absolute, let alone independent development. The purpose of everything is to make good software. Do it first, then you will know what the problem is.