最开始是使用云风的skynet框架连接redis然后执行命令,但是db:subscribe(pattern)后不知道怎么获取后续的订阅消息。Python是有listen()这样的函数,但是lua中好像没能找到…… 如果实在不行地话只能用Lua调用python脚本了,不过完全不知道怎么用lua调用python= =
Another self-question and answer...I got the answer in Yunda's google group. This is what is written in skynet.
local function watching() local w = redis.watch(conf) w:subscribe "foo" w:psubscribe "hello.*" while true do print("Watch", w:message()) end end
How does skynet’s redis interface receive subsequent subscription messages from subscribe?
Another self-question and answer...I got the answer in Yunda's google group. This is what is written in skynet.
How does skynet’s redis interface receive subsequent subscription messages from subscribe?