我的电脑装了ubuntu但不能上网,所以想安装vim就只能在win下下载安装,但是不知道能不能安装,还有在哪里下呢?百度vim弹出来的网页,都感觉不靠谱。所以,在哪安装呢? 还有个问题,ubuntu上面写代码,gcc不是自带的额,所以,在哪可把gcc下载下来,安装在ubuntu上?
Yes, Vim Lucid i386
Just download the deb package. If it is not this version of ubuntu, just change the address to your own version
GCC address: http://packages.ubuntu.com/zh-cn/lucid/i386/gcc
Download the linux version of vim under win and then install it. It is available on github. You can search it and you will see it
The core of this problem is how to connect ubuntu to the Internet. ;-P
Why can’t Ubuntu access the Internet cafe? Is it the evil XX Internet client? Why not install a virtual machine in Windows to play Ubuntu
Why can’t Ubuntu access the Internet? Don’t understand
Download source code
Unzip and enter the directory
./configure make make install
Perhaps you need to sudo apt-get install build-essentialdo it before compiling
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Use VirtualBox to virtualize an Ubuntu on Windows, use NAT for network connection, and execute in Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install vim vim-gnome build-essential Just install vim and gcc.
Yes, Vim Lucid i386
Just download the deb package. If it is not this version of ubuntu, just change the address to your own version
GCC address: http://packages.ubuntu.com/zh-cn/lucid/i386/gcc
Download the linux version of vim under win and then install it. It is available on github. You can search it and you will see it
The core of this problem is how to connect ubuntu to the Internet.
Why can’t Ubuntu access the Internet cafe? Is it the evil XX Internet client? Why not install a virtual machine in Windows to play Ubuntu
Why can’t Ubuntu access the Internet? Don’t understand
Download source code
Unzip and enter the directory
Perhaps you need to
sudo apt-get install build-essential
do it before compilingUse VirtualBox to virtualize an Ubuntu on Windows, use NAT for network connection, and execute in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install vim vim-gnome build-essential
Just install vim and gcc.