我的笔记本一直用ubuntu+windows双系统。 自从升级到14.04后,经常间歇性的出现ubuntu桌面上选择POWEROFF后关机过几秒自动重新启动的问题。不是每次都出现,但是经常发生,最近升级为15.10仍然这样。
不过每次我从TTY1登进去用sudo shutdown -h now关机,似乎都是正常的。
sudo shutdown -h now
However, this happens every time on my desktop, so I press the power button again after shutting down. .
Take a screenshot and take a look, if it doesn’t work, reinstall it!
However, this happens every time on my desktop, so I press the power button again after shutting down. .
Take a screenshot and take a look, if it doesn’t work, reinstall it!