下载了一个linux版本的离线Markdown编辑器https://www.zybuluo.com/cmd/, 解压之后的目录是这样的
应该是通过node-webkit打包的,直接运行Cmd Markdown二进制文件好像不行,请问如何启动这个项目?
It has been solved, just add execution permissions and then execute the binary file.
chmod +x "Cmd Markdown" ./"Cmd Markdown"
Have you checked whether your PC is 32-bit or 64-bit?
There are two packages, have they been downloaded correctly?
Just ./Cmd Markdown directly in the terminal
./Cmd Markdown
It has been solved, just add execution permissions and then execute the binary file.
Have you checked whether your PC is 32-bit or 64-bit?
There are two packages, have they been downloaded correctly?
./Cmd Markdown
directly in the terminal