我在ubuntu server14.04上用 docker 安装了个gitlab,然后docker中设置了gitlab 文件每天自动备份到/opt/backups中。但由于用的普通的电脑,不是server服务器,老大担心硬盘容易坏掉,所以,就买了个U盘。然后准备每天将/opt/backups目录中的文件,自动备份到U盘中,U盘已挂载到/mnt/usb 目录下面。由于我是做前端的,对shell这块不是很了解。想请教大家咋弄?
You can write a script for easy backup at any time The first step is to write a script to back up files to a USB flash drive For example: backups.sh
tar cvzf /mnt/usb/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.gz /opt/backups
The second step is to use cron to automatically execute the backup script;
$ sudo crontab -e
0 17 * * * /bin/bash /where/is/your/backups.sh #17点自动执行备份:
Or directly use crontab -e: #17 point to automatically perform backup:
0 17 * * * tar cvzf /mnt/usb/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.gz /opt/backups
You can write a script for easy backup at any time
The first step is to write a script to back up files to a USB flash drive
For example: backups.sh
The second step is to use cron to automatically execute the backup script;
Or directly use crontab -e: #17 point to automatically perform backup:
0 17 * * * tar cvzf /mnt/usb/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.gz /opt/backups