It doesn’t matter if there are more mirrors. At most, it just looks like there are too many. When using them, you don’t need to find them from docker images before you can use them. If you feel that the mirror takes up too much space, you can clean up useless mirrors regularly.
Refer to this After deployment, there will be a web UI page. It can be used to manage your containers. If you have more containers, you can search for keywords in the search box. And you can do many functions through this interface, such as container download, startup, monitoring, etc.
It doesn’t matter if there are more mirrors. At most, it just looks like there are too many. When using them, you don’t need to find them from
docker images
before you can use them.If you feel that the mirror takes up too much space, you can clean up useless mirrors regularly.
Step 3: Install Universal Control Plane
Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP) allows managing from a centralized place your images, applications, networks, and other computing resources.
Docker universal control panel can centrally manage your docker image, network and other computing resources
You can also check out this mesos
Refer to this
After deployment, there will be a web UI page. It can be used to manage your containers. If you have more containers, you can search for keywords in the search box. And you can do many functions through this interface, such as container download, startup, monitoring, etc.
This is very useful ifdocker images|grep <imagename>
is under
.Give you a command to clean up the image
It will help you clear out useless images.
will help you delete all
images...docker images|grep none|awk '{print $3}'|xargs docker rmi