要忽略的目录 D:/website/example.com/www/Application/Runtime的这个Runtime目录
文件里面有了自动生成的一段内容 */www/application/Runtime*
3.但是再去看 Runtime的图标,却是一个红色的圆叹号。并没有变成忽略的
If you are willing to use the command line and want git to ignore a tracked directory (and never care about it again):
This deletion is not what you want, it just deletes the tracking record from the Git database. If you don’t do this, it will still come back during the next synchronization because the history record still exists. This is why you can never block it. . I have never used this operation of Gui. I am not sure if the corresponding command is git rm. If so, don’t worry about the file being lost. If you are worried, do a manual backup first and then you will know after a try.
The first correct answer, git rm --cache
Create a new .gitignore file in the root directory command line
in the .gitignore fileFor example: To ignore the cache folder
Then write /cache
Ask, has the problem about git ignoring the specified directory you raised on segmentfault.com last time been resolved? Can you tell me how to solve it?