You can try the redis cluster that comes with Redis 3.0 or above. Redis cluster uses data sharding instead of consistency hashing to implement: a Redis cluster contains 16384 hash slots, database Each key in belongs to one of the 16384 hash slots. The cluster uses the formula CRC16(key) % 16384 to calculate which slot the key belongs to. The CRC16(key) statement is used to calculate the CRC16 checksum of the key key. . Hope the above answer is helpful to you
You can try the redis cluster that comes with Redis 3.0 or above. Redis cluster uses data sharding instead of consistency hashing to implement: a Redis cluster contains 16384 hash slots, database Each key in belongs to one of the 16384 hash slots. The cluster uses the formula CRC16(key) % 16384 to calculate which slot the key belongs to. The CRC16(key) statement is used to calculate the CRC16 checksum of the key key. . Hope the above answer is helpful to you
Official cluster deployment document: