从oschina上检出了一个项目到本地,安装了egit插件在Myeclipse做版本控制.但是把项目Import进Workspace后,是普通的java项目,这当然不行.如何将这个项目还原回maven项目,同时保持git版本控制呢. 注:网上说的项目右键->convert maven 根本没这个菜单,我用的Myeclipse2013. 已经纠结了一个晚上加一个早上了.希望各位大神能指点一下,小弟感激不尽.
http://www.cnblogs.com/lpshou/archive/2013/07/18/3199243.html Alas, forget it, no one here can answer it, so disappointing. I still have to rely on myself. Although this method seems stupid, I finally imported it successfully.
Alas, forget it, no one here can answer it, so disappointing. I still have to rely on myself. Although this method seems stupid, I finally imported it successfully.