大家好。我在gitcafe上用jekyll做了个个人blog(假设域名是myproject.gitcafe.com),但是发现这个blog的内容没有被google,百度等搜索引擎收录,我要怎么做才能让我的blog被搜索引擎收录呢? 我是做生物的,会写点代码,但是对计算机的很多方面还不是很了解,见笑了。
I found the answer. Just submit this URL to Google or Baidu. Use Google Webmaster Tools or Baidu Webmaster Platform.
The best way is to write a blog that can receive a lot of attention. After a while, search engines will naturally crawl to your blog website and then include it. Or you can just spend money and let Baidu help you promote =,=
I found the answer. Just submit this URL to Google or Baidu. Use Google Webmaster Tools or Baidu Webmaster Platform.
The best way is to write a blog that can receive a lot of attention. After a while, search engines will naturally crawl to your blog website and then include it.
Or you can just spend money and let Baidu help you promote =,=