git - hexo如何重置ssh密匙,以及删除blog的文章?
滿天的星座 2017-05-02 09:18:17
  1. 发布的时候要求输入密匙,忘记密匙了,有没有办法可以重置或取消。
    Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/Jing/.ssh/id_rsa':

  2. 还有个问题就是hexo如何删除已发布的文章?



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hexo delete blog

Delete inside the warehouse source/_posts/我的文章.md

Execute the following command to update the blog

hexo g == hexo generate#生成
hexo s == hexo server #启动服务预览
hexo d == hexo deploy#deployment

Generate ssh method, multiple shh

1. Generate a key with the specified name

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "邮箱地址" -f ~/.ssh/github_jslite

will generate github_jslitegithub_jslite.pubthese two files

2. Copy the key to the hosting platform

vim ~/.ssh/

Open the public key file and copy the content to the code hosting platform

3. Modify the config file

vim ~/.ssh/config #修改config文件,如果没有创建 config

User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_jslite

User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_abc

Add to the blog’s config file

shellgit remote add origin


ssh -T # @ followed by the defined Host

  1. Just follow the steps to generate the key again.

  2. Just delete the corresponding md files in ./source/_posts/, but you cannot delete them all, and an error will be reported.

ps: hexo version: 3.0.0


Configuring and using Github
The following tutorial is mainly written with reference to beiyuu's "Using Github Pages to Build an Independent Blog".

Configure SSH keys
How do we connect the local git project with the remote github? Use SSH keys.

Check the settings of SSH keys
First we need to check the existing ssh key on your computer:

$ cd ~/.ssh Check the local ssh key
If it prompts: No such file or directory, it means you are using git for the first time.

Generate new SSH Key:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "email"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/your_user_directory/.ssh/id_rsa):<Just press Enter>
Note 1: For the email address here, you can enter your own email address; Note 2: The "-C" here is a capital "C"

Then the system will ask you to enter your password:

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):<Enter the encrypted string>
Enter same passphrase again:<Enter the encrypted string again>
When you press Enter, you will be prompted to enter a password. This password will be used when you submit the project. If it is empty, you do not need to enter it when submitting the project. This setting is to prevent others from submitting content to your project.

Note: There is no * when entering the password, you can just enter it directly.

Finally when I saw this interface, I successfully set the ssh key:

Add SSH Key to GitHub
After setting the SSH Key on this machine, it needs to be added to GitHub to complete the setting of the SSH link.

1. Open the local C:Documents and file. The content in this file is the key generated just now. If you can't see this file, you need to set it to show hidden files. Accurately copy the contents of this file to ensure successful setup.

2. Log in to the github system. Click Account Settings--->SSH Public keys in the upper right corner ---> add another public keys

3. Copy your locally generated key into it (key text box), click add key and it’s OK

You can enter the following command to see if the setting is successful. Do not modify the part:

$ ssh -T
If it is the following feedback:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Don’t be nervous, just enter yes and you will see:

Hi cnfeat! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
Set user information
Now that you can connect to GitHub via SSH, there are still some personal information that need to be completed.

Git will record submissions based on the user's name and email address. GitHub also uses this information to process permissions. Enter the following code to set personal information, and replace the name and email with your own. The name must be your real name, not your GitHub nickname.

$ git config --global "cnfeat"//Username
$ git config --global ""//Fill in your own email
SSH Key configured successfully
This machine has successfully connected to github.

If there is any problem, please reset it. Please refer to common mistakes:

GitHub Help - Generating SSH Keys

GitHub Help - Error Permission denied (publickey)

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