OS X: git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain Windows:
There’s a tool named git-credential-winstore (available at http://gitcredentialstore.codeplex.com) to store these credentials in the Windows Credential Store.
There’s a tool named git-credentialgnome-keyring (bundled with Git 1.8.0 and above) to store these credentials in the GNOME Keyring.
Visual inspection shows that the ciphertext is still unsafe after being taken away. Because there are no random numbers in symmetric encryption. If you really want to be safe, you can consider using ssh for authentication and then using RSA asymmetric encryption. Then set another password on top of the asymmetric password. Tip: It is a very old method to bypass plaintext encryption and directly use ciphertext authentication. 2333
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
Visual inspection shows that the ciphertext is still unsafe after being taken away. Because there are no random numbers in symmetric encryption. If you really want to be safe, you can consider using ssh for authentication and then using RSA asymmetric encryption. Then set another password on top of the asymmetric password. Tip: It is a very old method to bypass plaintext encryption and directly use ciphertext authentication. 2333