1.现在遇到的问题是这样子: 工程里有 A B C 三个页面。
A present B页面,B push 到C 页面。
C 页面里有一个UIwebView ,加载了H5页面, H5页面有个按钮调用手机的相册 UIImagePickerController,弹出了拍照,相册选择的UIActionSheet, 然后我点击相册按钮,程序直接退出到了 A 页面。
2.我尝试用A push 到B 页面,B页面push 到C 页面,这样子的话,在点击相册后会到系统相册里面,选择图片后会返回到H5页面里。
3.我现在需要的是present 也能实现而不是用push。 我认为是根控制器的原因。因为C 这个页面是H5去实现的,所以我能做什么?
发现只要有present ,就是出现问题,而且提示问题就出现在present 那里
There is a solution you can try: put B and C in a UINavigationController for management, and use A to present the UINavigationController.
If this is to be implemented correctly, A present B page should present not B, but the navigationController with B as the root.
Write a solution to this, but I don’t know if there is any problem. This is how I solved it so far.
I guess it’s a problem with the root controller. Then now it’s time to change the root controller
Just modify window.rootviewcontroller, jump to present C and change window.rootviewcontroller
When C returns, change window.rootviewcontroller and change it back.