我有个云服务器,已经在上面安装 git,并按着网络方法搭建了git服务器。
现在的问题是,我在自己的电脑上,安装 msysGit , 提交代码,需要输入git的密码。(第一次不知道密码,后来我在云服务器上更改了git 的密码), 输入正确密码后能正常的登录和使用git。
我在云服务器上 root 用户 连接 git@localhost 也是一样的必须输入密码才能git push pull等功能。
我在 本地windows电脑 和 云服务器root用户 上 能正常连接github.com推拉代码。
所以,感觉还是 git@云服务器 设置有问题。
图2是/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys 的权限
2 methods:
After entering the password once, you don’t need to enter it again, it will be automatically saved
Not as troublesome as upstairs
Create a file, name it _netrc for windows, .netrc for linux or mac
username is your username, password is your password,
machine is your git website domain name.
Multiple can be added.
Then put this file in your personal directory,
Windows is in the C:UsersXXXXXX directory,
linux or mac under ~/
ssh-copy-id key public id code server address
For example:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub code@
The premise is that the key has been generated. The command to generate the key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C email address
For example:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "lisi@public.cn"
You enter your password when doing local git init
Just use ssh. key
Hello, I also encountered your problem, have you solved it
Finally, the problem was solved by referring to a post on this site. You can refer to it if necessary.
Find authorized_keys on your git server
[*@### /]# find / -name authorized_keys
Edit authorized - keys will be id_rsa in your git client. Copy the content in pub to the end
[*@### /]# vim /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
Save it to take effect
You can refer to the article http://www.ctrlqun.com/linux_... for more details