情况是这样的。我在develop分支上提交了一个更改,但是我想把这个更改同时合并到master分支上。我又不想把整个develop分支都合并上master上面。我用的sourcetree,该怎么操作? 正确的做法我知道应该新建一个hotfix。然后同时推到dev和master。
shellgit checkout master git cherry-pick commit-id1 commit-id2 // 把指定commit合并到当前分支
git checkout master git cherry-pick commit-id1 commit-id2 // 把指定commit合并到当前分支
Sourcetree has not been used before, you can try to click on it遴选 (Probably the translation of cherry-pick...)
php//用命令行 git checkout master git checkout develop test.txt//develop分支下的test.txt git commit -am "a commit" git push origin master
//用命令行 git checkout master git checkout develop test.txt//develop分支下的test.txt git commit -am "a commit" git push origin master
Sourcetree has not been used before, you can try to click on it
(Probably the translation of cherry-pick...)