According to the documentation on progit:与其他系统-迁移到-Git
Encountered two problems:
To change the tag to a proper Git tag, run
$ cp -Rf .git/refs/remotes/origin/tags/* .git/refs/tags/ $ rm -Rf .git/refs/remotes/origin/tags
This will turn the remote branch references originally in remotes/origin/tags/ into real (lightweight) tags.
Next, move the remaining references under refs/remotes to local branches:$ cp -Rf .git/refs/remotes/* .git/refs/heads/ $ rm -Rf .git/refs/remotes
.git/refs/remotes Now all old branches are real Git branches, and all old tags are real Git tags.
The last thing to do is to add your new Git server as a remote repository and push to it.
But when executing cp, it was found that this directory does not exist. git branch -r lists many original ones
$git branch -r
However, there is no file under .git/refs/remotes/origin/tags
$ git tag tagname tags/tagname ----用指定的分支创建一个Git标签
$ git branch -r -d tags/tagname ----删除指定的远程分支
Finally, use git push origin --all
to push to the git server, but there is only the trunk and no branches.
Use git push origin master --tags
to have the trunk and tags, but there are no branches
The final question comes, how to migrate the branch?
After struggling for a long time, I finally solved it with svn2git
The basic idea is to convert the remote branch to the local branch, and then push
svn2git can do it directly