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使用pycharm IDE,搭配mongodb Explorer,抓取数据存放至mongodb中,但是中文全部显示不出来,都是方块。。。google了一下没有类似问题。。请大牛帮帮忙,不胜感激!
You first output the data to the console to see what it looks like, and then see what encoding your data is. Check the encoding like this
import chardet test ="xxx" print chardet.detect(test)
You should check the encoding of the title in your question before putting it into mongodb.
Do you see garbled characters in the mongo Shell?
You first output the data to the console to see what it looks like, and then see what encoding your data is.
Check the encoding like this
You should check the encoding of the title in your question before putting it into mongodb.
Do you see garbled characters in the mongo Shell?