Created a project on gitlab, then git svn clone project_svn_url in linux, and finally successfully pushed it to gitlab.
However, I deleted this project on gitlab and created a project with the same name.
I redid git svn clone on linux. I could no longer get the code and only got an empty directory. svn has been determined. There is a code on it.
I don’t know what’s going on. Please help, thank you
admin$ git svn clone http://project_svn_url --no-metadata --authors-file=author.txt
Initialized empty Git repository in /myworkspath/project/.git/
W: Do not be alarmed at the above message git-svn is just searching aggressively for old history.
This may take a while on large repositories
r3775 = f8d188fd082fadeb2cb86b525987a540bb60e288 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
A test
W: +empty_dir: instance_manager
W: +empty_dir: meta_server
r3777 = d0aaf8b8aa4788d5cdbbb18e1277e614b08aedcd (refs/remotes/git-svn)
A instance_manager/APScheduler-3.0.4/apscheduler/executors/
A instance_manager/APScheduler-3.0.4/apscheduler/executors/
A instance_manager/APScheduler-3.0.4/apscheduler/executors/
After it’s finished, it’s just an empty directory
admin $ ll project/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 admin staff 102 1 13 21:53 ./
drwxr-xr-x 10 admin staff 340 1 13 21:53 ../
drwxr-xr-x 12 admin staff 408 1 13 21:54 .git/
The final problem is that there is a user that is not set in autor.txt, and git svn clone exits, but this prompt message is not easy to notice
git-svn clone
svn co -r HEAD url