Github 使用 ssh clone 项目 返回下面错误
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
用HTTPS URL clone 是可以的。就是SSH 不行
我也用coding的服务,同一个公匙用在coding上时没问题的。而且https 方法也没问题。
最后感觉是被墙了,或者是dns污染的问题。因为ping 之后IP是1.1.1.1,并且连不出去。
I found the final answer, it’s because of the wall.
Everything works normally in an external network environment.
It should be because you don’t have permission
Add your computer’s public key to your GitHub account
How to generate a public key and search by yourself
The public key has been added, can you provide how your private key is configured?
How to generate public and private keys:
You don’t have a processing key in your github settings