This is my first time using github. I followed Baidu’s instructions and finally uploaded the local file to github. I can preview the effect online. However, I soon discovered a problem. I modified the previously uploaded file locally. How to submit? After trying for a long time, I found that there are no changes on github
This is the local folder
Then I right-click GUI Here and this window pops up
I need to explain, I don’t know if it is because of the installation of svn, but only two git functional operations appear when I right-click the mouse, or if I only have these two
The problem now is that I modified the content in the local fdj file
There is no change in the online github refresh. How to synchronize the changes? Please give guidance from an expert
It is recommended to use TortoiseGit. Although I also have Git GUI/Bash installed, the former is more useful for novices.
Use git, it’s simple and fast. Don’t blindly covet the GUI, you will get poisoned.
stage -> commit -> push
Are you sure you followed these three steps? You can see in the Git GUI that the files you modified are still in unstaged status
Have you done both commit and push?
Git add
Git commit
Git push
Did you write the push correctly?
Right click->Git Bash Here, after the command window pops up,

git status
查看你当前的分支状态,看到你修改的文件之后git add 你修改要上传的文件
,然后git commit -m '提交注释'
,最后git push origin 你的分支
git add index.html
添加修改文件;git commit -m 'UPDATE PAGE'
提交文件日志;git push origin master
branch.If you want to check what branch you are currently on, just execute it
git branch
. Hope it helps youThe answers given by others may not be suitable for you. Please read the official documentation first:
tortoisesvn is already installed, let’s install tortoisegit by the way, it’s simple and practical