For this cors cross-domain resource, the request using jquery is successful.
(The commented out code below is successful)
//var url = "";
// type : 'post',
// url : url,
// data : {
// },
// dataType : "json",
// success : function(data, status) {
// $scope.prize = data;
// },
// error : function(data, status, e) {
// console.log("系统异常" + e);
// }
But $ of angularjs is unsuccessful:
.post('', {})
$scope.prize = data;
Using $http([Object]) also fails:
// url:'',
// method:'POST',
// data: {},
// withCredentials:true,
// success: function(data){
// $scope.prize = data;
// },
// err:function(err){
// alert(err);
// }
In addition, I also added the configuration according to the searched requirements:
.config(['$routeProvider', '$httpProvider',function($routeProvider, $httpProvider){
$httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;//添加的配置
How can I use angularjs to make cross-domain requests?
The method I just found, the speed test was successful