The ngBind attribute tells Angular to replace the text content of the specified HTML element with the value of a given expression, and to
update the text content when the value of that expression changes.
means just ngBind会告诉angular去将你写的表达式替换成一个特殊的html元素.
And this 特殊的html元素 is the span with class,
Double curly brackets{{}}和ngBind是一样的,实际上是一个directive, there is only a slight difference in the scope of application
Thanks for the invitation. You can see it in the source code of angular
In fact, it is used to bind data to this "top text node"
Quoted from the official website:
means just
.And this
is the span with class,Double curly brackets
, there is only a slight difference in the scope of applicationOfficial Document ngBind
The HTML value output by AngularJs ng-bind will definitely not be just 4. Otherwise, how to control the position of the output value?
aHow is the value of this variable assigned?
Generally $scope.a=4;
The output result of {{a}} is 4.
Thanks for the invitation. You can see it in the source code of angular
In fact, it is used to bind data to this "top text node"