If you don’t use a framework to build a very complex single-page application, what issues should you pay attention to?
Then I want to use the yeoman angularJS framework to do it, but I have never been exposed to these. I can’t find a good tutorial on angular development on the Internet. I hope you can help me find it.
1. If you are a beginner, mastering the basic skills will be of great help to your subsequent development.
2. Recommend some websites to you:you want to use, you can check out the following website:
to help you organize the file structure, which is very convenient.
5. A little suggestion, the idea of learningyeoman
is completely different. Of course, it is best to follow the examples and documents on the official website, and you will roughly know what is going on.
6. If you are reading a book, it is recommended to readThe Definitive Guide to AngularJS. Although there are some typographical errors in the book, the overall feeling is still okay.
Previous people arranged it and I just borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha
GitHub address https://github.com/dolymood/AngularLearning
Official: http://docs.angularjs.org The official angularjs website has been blocked, you can see http://www.ngnice.com/;
Official zip download package https://github.com/dolymood/angular-packages , the docs service has been added, just enter the address, for example: http://blog.aijc.net/angular-packages/angular-1.3.15/docs/
jquery?ag? : http://stackoverflow.com/questions /14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background
ag note: https://github.com/joeylin/angular-note
angularjs book: https:/ /github.com/shyamseshadri/angularjs-book
learning-angular: https://github.com/zafarali/learning-angular and my translated version(ing) https://github.com/dolymood/learning-angular
How to combine angular and require: https://github.com/tnajdek/angular-requirejs-seed
Using angular to develop next-generation web applications (angular js) [Book]
Lcllao’s ag notes: http://www.cnblogs. com/lcllao/archive/2012/10/18/2728787.html
angular-service-or-factory ? Can’t tell the difference? http://iffycan.blogspot.com.ar/2013/05/angular-service-or-factory.html and https://github.com/tylermcginnis/AngularServices
angular-injection http://iffycan.blogspot.com .ar/2013/07/angular-injection.html
Using angular to develop next-generation web applications (angular js) book https://github.com/aztack/AngularJS-translation
Polang’s collection of angular articles http://www .cnblogs.com/whitewolf/category/404298.html
Zou Yesheng’s angular study notes http://zouyesheng.com/angular.html
Lv Dabao’s angular article collection http://www.cnblogs.com/lvdabao/tag/AngularJs /
A collection of angular articles from Dusty Misty Rain http://wangjiatao.diandian.com/?tag=angularjs
A collection of angular articles from Dark Thread (Traditional Chinese) http://blog.darkthread.net/blogs/darkthreadtw/archive/tags /AngularJS/default.aspx
AngularJS data modeling http://blog.jobbole.com/54817/
Some pitfalls in AngularJS http://blog.jobbole.com/52857/
Chinese version guide http://angular .duapp.com/guide
angular tips http://angular-tips.com/
ng-newsletter http://www.ng-newsletter.com/
The 10 most common mistakes made by AngularJS developers http:// www.oschina.net/translate/top-10-mistakes-angularjs-developers-make
AngularJS Instruction Practice Guide (2) http://blog.jobbole.com/62999/
fse.guru http://www.fse .guru/angular-core-components-roles and other related ng articles by the author
In-depth understanding of AngularJS’s Scope http://www.lovelucy.info/understanding-scopes-in-angularjs.html
angularjs Chinese community about angular.js Articles and tutorials http://angularjs.cn/tag/AngularJS
xufei’s blog https://github.com/xufei/blog/issues has been updated and recommended, and it’s very good!
angularjs-internals-in-depth http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/01/22/angularjs-internals-in-depth/
introduction-to-unit-testing-in-angularjs http://www. smashingmagazine.com/2014/10/07/introduction-to-unit-testing-in-angularjs/
AngularJS Unit Testing – For Real, Though https://quickleft.com/blog/angularjs-unit-testing-for-real -though/
Quick Starter Repository for Angular Material https://github.com/angular/material-start
angular cheat sheet https://dncmagazine.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/AngularCheatSheet-DNCMagazine.pdf
angular -translate https://github.com/angular-translate/angular-translate
Recommended 15 Angular.js application extension instructions http://www.oschina.net/translate/15-directives-to-extend-your-angular -js-apps
A Guide To Transclusion in AngularJS http://teropa.info/blog/2015/06/09/transclusion.html
Official example tutorial: http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/
My own angular example
7 steps from novice to expert (recommended original text, you can look at the code example directly): http://blog.jobbole.com /46779/”
Powerful ToDoMVC: https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc
angular-ajax-upload Instructional http://iffycan.blogspot.com.ar/2013/08/angular-ajax-upload .html
angular app https://github.com/angular-app/angular-app
Fun with AngularJS! http://devgirl.org/2013/03/21/fun-with-angularjs/
Angular instructions and components A comprehensive example of https://github.com/angular-cn/ng-showcase
MVVM pattern in angular http://greengerong.github.io/blog/2015/06/16/angularzhong-de-mvvmmo-shi/
angular video tutorial http://www.kittencup.com/category/video/angularjs/
Ali Lalan Exchange Meeting AngularJS Special Session http://www.imooc.com/view/203?utm_source=jobboleweibo
Desert Qiongqiu Lecture AngularJS practical combat http://www.imooc.com/learn/156
angular video tutorial on codeschool http://campus.codeschool.com/courses/shaping-up-with-angular-js/intro
scheme, performance
Use AngularJS to build large-scale web applications http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2013/02/angular-web-app
Optimization 1200=>35 (It is recommended to check the official site, judging from the article, Not very impressed ps: personal opinion): http://blog.jobbole.com/51180/
Mode guide: https://github.com/mgechev/angularjs-style-guide
angularjs-performance-with-large-listshttp ://tech.small-improvements.com/2013/09/10/angularjs-performance-with-large-lists/
angularjs-my-solution-to-the-ng-repeat-performance-problemhttp://www. williambrownstreet.net/blog/2013/07/angularjs-my-solution-to-the-ng-repeat-performance-problem/
angularjs-pitfalls-using-scopes http://thenittygritty.co/angularjs-pitfalls-using- scopes
Only bound once https://github.com/Pasvaz/bindonce
Tianzhu’s angular-lazyload
Using require.js to dynamically load routing files library angularAMD https://github.com/marcoslin/angularAMD
Event proxy angular-delegate-event
angular best practices http://www.lovelucy.info/angularjs-best-practices.html
How to organize code in large JavaScript applications? http://kb.cnblogs.com/page/176541/
databinding-in-angularjs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9682092/databinding-in-angularjs/9693933#9693933
AngularJS Best Practices http://www .artandlogic.com/blog/2013/05/ive-been-doing-it-wrong-part-1-of-3/
Best Practice Recommendations for Angular App Structure https://docs.google.com/document/d /1XXMvReO8-Awi1EZXAXS4PzDzdNvV6pGcuaF4Q9821Es/pub
Superspeed your angularjs apps http://orangevolt.blogspot.com/2013/08/superspeed-your-angularjs-apps.html
Why our angular application is always slow http://www.zhex.me/blog/2013/11/22/why-out-angular-app-is-slow/
angular performance optimization experience http://atian25. github.io/2014/05/09/angular-performace/
angular-debounce https://github.com/shahata/angular-debounce
Enterprise software front-end architecture based on AngularJS http://www.infoq.com/cn /news/2014/05/angularjs-front-end-architecture
angular data http://angular-data.pseudobry.com/
AngularJS style guide (including translated versions) https://github.com/johnpapa/angular -styleguide
Quickly build apps angular-kickstart https://github.com/vesparny/angular-kickstart
Dynamically load controller https://github.com/DanWahlin/CustomerManager
Improve ng performance by using less ng-controller http: //teropa.info/blog/2014/10/24/how-ive-improved-my-angular-apps-by-banning-ng-controller.html and other ng articles on this site
AngularJS Style Guide 2 https:/ /github.com/toddmotto/angularjs-styleguide
Data binding for angularjs https://github.com/rchee/translation/blob/master/angularJS/databinding-in-angularjs.md
Create, read, update, delete MongoDB collections via AngularJS. https://github.com/Unitech/angular-bridge
Token-based AngularJS Authentication https://github.com/sahat/satellizer
Virtual Scroll for AngularJS ngRepeat directive https://github.com/kamilkp /angular-vs-repeat
Component (UI|module) class
angular UI https://github.com/angular-ui
Bootstrap directives for Angular: https://github.com/mgcrea/angular-strap
Material design for Angular https://github.com/angular/material
Angular lib, including "event proxy, dialog, upload flow, image preview imageViewer, evolved keydown (supports passing in keycode), mousewheel, rolling loading, content selection", https://github.com/dolymood/angularLib
ng-control by master xufei
find modules for angular http://ngmodules.org/
Source code analysis
MVVM competition - AngularJS source code analysis http://www.cnblogs.com/sskyy/p/3709649.html
Front-end source code analysis http://www.html-js.com/article/column/693
xuwenmin's Source code analysis http://www.ifeenan.com/categories.html#angularjs-ref
Other highlights
A resource collection: https://github.com/jmcunningham/AngularJS-Learning
A selection of AngularJS learning resources in 2013 http://blog.jobbole.com/54716/
The most powerful AngularJS resource collection in 2013 http:// www.iteye.com/news/28651-AngularJS-Google-resource
xuwenmin’s angular collection http://www.ifeenan.com/categories.html#angularjs-ref
You can copy the AngularJS resource collection http://www.csdn .net/article/2014-12-10/2823058-AngularJS
A collection of angular2 learning resources: https://github.com/timjacobi/angular2-education
What is a single page application
If you simply want to get a single page application. As long as you don't need to jump to the page, all page content changes will be obtained using Ajax.
I have never learned angularJS, so I can’t give you any advice on angularJS
I can give you other suggestions here:
Example: http://m.shihj.com/
If you don’t borrow a framework, it is necessary to use a template engine. Secondly, you need to encapsulate a bunch of common operations, and you need to pay a little attention to memory issues.
URL, SEO is best designed in advance, otherwise it will be painful later.
URL involves the forward and backward movement of the browser, and SEO involves the number of visits to your website afterward
SPA is said to be easy to do, but also difficult to do. The most important starting point for SPA application is the js logical architecture. If you want to make a single-page application that can support a complete website, the rationality and ease of use of the architecture must be This is the key point. Many demos on the Internet may not be applicable. It is recommended to look at some backbone single-page SPA applications first, and then go back to the Angular architecture. It will be much easier, at least you will not be confused. Attached is the backbone I have done: No Thieves
It still depends on your needs. How many places do you really need something as complex as angular?
In fact, you can implement a thing however you want, it just depends on whether it is suitable or not.
The threshold for Angular is not high.
I suggest you watch
Lynda - Up and Running with AngularJS
Look online and download it