想在angularjs中引入其他js文件,这里想引入妹子ui中的图片轮播插件,类似的需求。通常这种需要在页面中内嵌js比方说,类似这样的,如果直接html里引入js插件,然后页面中这样写的话,没有作用,而且这种是需要jQuery的,虽然我在angular中并没有使用jQuery... 请问该怎样配置angular呢?
$(function() { $('.am-slider').flexslider({ // options }); });
1. Load everything in HTML at once2. Use the oclazyload plug-in3. Use angular’s $q to write a file loading service
Using https://github.com/revolunet/angular-carousel can meet your requirements
It’s a question and answer for myself. Currently, requirejs is used to solve the dependency problems in the project. Firstmain.js is the entrance to the entire ng application. Here is where you add the plug-ins to be loaded
'use strict'; require.config({ baseUrl: 'js', waitSeconds: 0, paths: { text: '../lib/require/text', jquery: '../lib/jquery/dist/jquery', angular: '../lib/angular/angular', bootstrap: '../lib/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap', bindonce: '../lib/angular-bindonce/bindonce.min', ngtable: '../lib/ng-table/dist/ng-table', ngBootstrap: '../lib/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap', ngBootstrapTpls: '../lib/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls', uiRoute: '../lib/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router', oclazyload: '../lib/oclazyload/dist/ocLazyLoad', datePicker: '../lib/angularjs-datetime-picker/angularjs-datetime-picker', app: 'app', common: 'common', host:'../host', }, shim: { 'angular': { exports: 'angular' }, 'bootstrap':{ deps:['jquery'] }, 'bindonce': { deps: ['angular'] }, 'ngtable': { deps: ['angular'] }, 'ngBootstrap': { deps: ['angular'] }, 'ngBootstrapTpls': { deps: ['ngBootstrap', 'angular'] }, 'uiRoute': { deps: ['angular'] }, 'oclazyload': { deps: ['angular'] }, 'datePicker': { deps: ['angular'] }, 'myDatePicker': { deps: ['jquery'] } }, priority: [ 'angular' ] }); require([ 'angular', 'jquery', 'app', 'routes', 'bootstrap', ], function(angular) { $(document).ready(function() { var appName = $('body').attr('data-ngApp'); angular.bootstrap(document, [appName]); //手动启动ng应用 }); });
When using app.js, the index.html page has a controller to start the application
define(['angular', 'bindonce', 'ngBootstrap', 'ngBootstrapTpls', 'ngtable', 'uiRoute', 'oclazyload', 'datePicker', ], function(angular) { var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['pasvaz.bindonce', 'ngTable', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.router', 'oc.lazyLoad','angularjs-datetime-picker']); myApp.controller('admin', ['$scope','$timeout', function($scope, $timeout) {
1. Load everything in HTML at once
2. Use the oclazyload plug-in
3. Use angular’s $q to write a file loading service
Using https://github.com/revolunet/angular-carousel can meet your requirements
It’s a question and answer for myself. Currently, requirejs is used to solve the dependency problems in the project.
is the entrance to the entire ng application. Here is where you add the plug-ins to be loadedWhen using app.js, the index.html page has a controller to start the application