The original angularjs project is available, but an error occurred when using requireJS.
The error is app.js
The app.js code in the original angularjs code is
angular.module('todomvc', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource'])
.config(function ($routeProvider) {
'use strict';
var routeConfig = {
controller: 'TodoCtrl',
templateUrl: 'todomvc-index.html',
resolve: {
store: function (todoStorage) {
// Get the correct module (API or localStorage).
return todoStorage.then(function (module) {
module.get(); // Fetch the todo records in the background.
return module;
.when('/', routeConfig)
.when('/:status', routeConfig)
redirectTo: '/'
After using requirejs
(function () {
paths: {
'angular': '../node_modules/angular/angular',
'angular-route': '../node_modules/angular-route/angular-route',
'angular-resource': '../node_modules/angular-resource/angular-resource'
shim: {
'angular': {
exports: 'angular'
'angular-route': {
deps: ['angular'],
exports: 'angular-route'
'angular-resource': {
deps: ['angular'],
exports: 'angular-resource'
deps: ['bootstrap']
(function () {
define(['angular','angular-route','angular-resource'],function (angular){
var moduleName = 'myAppModule';
angular.module(moduleName, ['angular-route','angular-resource'])
.config(function ($routeProvider) {
'use strict';
var routeConfig = {
controller: 'TodoCtrl',
templateUrl: 'todomvc-index.html',
resolve: {
store: function (todoStorage) {
// Get the correct module (API or localStorage).
return todoStorage.then(function (module) {
module.get(); // Fetch the todo records in the background.
return module;
.when('/', routeConfig)
.when('/:status', routeConfig)
redirectTo: '/'
return moduleName;
The browser reported an error with the injection. . . I have been in contact with requirejs for a while. Is there anyone who can teach me how to change it?
The problem is obviously here:
Your dependencies should still be written
['ngRoute', 'ngResource']
.I don’t understand, since ng has already done DI, why do we need to use another loader?