刚刚想引入一个第三方的模块ngMessages,结果我安装说明书上写的那样用bower install 方法把文件下载到bowercompents里面,然后再把路径引入到index.html文件里面,然后注入模块依赖,然后写入语句,但是当我重新grunt启动这个网站的时候,整个网站就只有背景颜色了,其它什么都没加载,然后terminal里面也没有信息,然后我又一般般把我做过的步骤一点点地删除(代码注释掉),再重新启动网站,然后依然是这样,到底是哪里出了问题呢,步骤应该都做完了吧!而且出现这种网站加载出现问题要怎么去找错误呢,我是新手,完全没有头绪啊!求大神···
The error is obvious, what is that
wrong, what the hell is thisEither the file path is wrong,
behind, or this method really doesn’t exist. . .At first, as leftstick said, it was caused by inconsistent versions of the Angular module. However, I deleted the ngMessages module I loaded and commented out the code, but it still didn’t work! So I upgraded bower and it worked