I am desperate, please help, thank you~!
Could not resolve 'employeeDatail' from state 'employee'
If you use require, is employeeDatail loaded asynchronously? If so, check whether the module corresponding to employeeDataild has been loaded when employee's state is triggered.
I think it’s a routing problem, is your ui-sref link correct
Post the code
Do you want to do modular on-demand loading? If so, it is recommended to use angularAMD
There is a problem with routing, your ui-sref does not match
The poster can refer to a demo I wrote before, just to test angular-ui-router. The address is: https://github.com/silence717...
If you use require, is employeeDatail loaded asynchronously? If so, check whether the module corresponding to employeeDataild has been loaded when employee's state is triggered.
I think it’s a routing problem, is your ui-sref link correct
Post the code
Do you want to do modular on-demand loading? If so, it is recommended to use angularAMD
There is a problem with routing, your ui-sref does not match
The poster can refer to a demo I wrote before, just to test angular-ui-router. The address is: