From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:43 0 2 512
gvim - How to install exVim on win10? installed it according to this, but it was unsuccessful.
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:42 0 1 628
vim - Can Ubuntu terminal emulator adjust text line height?
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:41 0 1 886
gvim - Several problems with Macvim
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:39 0 2 632
Is there any plug-in under vim that can replace ctags and implement jump to definition?
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:38 0 1 712
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:36 0 3 722
How to write functions in vim that can be interacted with on the command line?
nnoremap <leader>c :Ack '^class ' <c-r>=&path<cr><hom...
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:35 0 1 578
How to make the C++ syntax prompt in vim compatible with C++11
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:33 0 1 591
vimscript - [vim plug-in development] Implementation of the automatic completion pop-up window?
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:32 0 1 682
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:28 0 3 851
What is the difference between vim and vi in linux?
vi is the most commonly used, what are the benefits of vim.
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:27 0 6 876
Request two usage issues of the ctrlSF plug-in in vim
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:25 0 1 696
gvim - How to execute `highlight test` in vim in terminal?
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:22 0 2 723
vim configuration tern-for-vim does not take effect?
From [PhpStudydiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:38:17 0 1 665