Display this line if (is_array($_POST['id'])) Undefined index id;
delete.php:<?phpinclude_once("conn\conn.php");if (is_array($_POST['id'])) { &n...
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-02-14 15:34:52 0 0 2854
在一个API上获取数据,有个数据小数点比较长,然后你获取的时候就变成了科学计数法,网上找了很久,有没有好一点的方法让他显示原始小数点6.0E-12 转化,谢谢各位了
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-04-11 10:29:05 0 3 2849
Looking for a solution: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected
The following code is saved as wel.php file <?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8")...
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2021-01-24 12:49:57 0 1 2845
Have questions about the installation of the new version of phpstudy2018?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-05-18 16:23:51 0 1 2822
Page error! Please try again later~
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-07-06 18:00:47 0 8 2812
请问这个AUTOLOAD_NAMESPACE参数配置是什么用途?我在这里配置了,然后在这里使用 出错了
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-04-10 17:46:58 0 1 2811
php7 - php failed to parse SOAP xml
{Code...} The above code prints an empty object, indicating that the parsing failed.
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-05-16 13:14:49 0 2 2810
Why bool (false), what is bool?
Why bool (false), what is bool?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-06-26 17:46:13 0 2 2806
How to install and use the PHP programmer toolbox of PHP Chinese website?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-07-12 16:38:23 0 2 2799
php - user balance and income expenditure mysql table design and implementation plan
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-06-16 09:18:20 0 1 2796
laravel prohibits automatic update of update_at field
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-05-16 16:49:57 0 2 2790
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-02-13 11:21:00 0 2 2787
The host has been activated, please upload your website program in time! How is this going?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-01-22 11:36:07 0 5 2771