如题 我以前学JS的 数组 下标 不需要加'' 而是PHP数组下标 必须加引号么 我试了 没加'' 也能输出苹果...
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2016-12-19 17:57:27 0 2 1765
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2016-12-19 11:52:09 0 2 1765
Please God, the pop-up window code cannot be deleted
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-04-09 13:23:03 0 2 1764
php - workerman 和 swoole哪个稳定,不谈性能...
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-04-10 17:34:52 0 10 1764
What is the latest QQ group number?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2019-05-06 15:26:54 0 1 1763
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-04-15 11:58:14 0 1 1763
Which framework is better, TP5 or Laraver???
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-12-01 10:04:51 0 6 1762
PhpStudy 8.0 How to create multiple websites on one server, what should you pay attention to
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2019-08-29 10:22:52 0 2 1761
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2016-12-27 15:59:45 0 4 1761
An error is reported when testing the database. What is the problem? ? ?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-07-10 09:37:03 0 6 1760
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-09-01 14:07:24 0 3 1760
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-08-20 17:27:01 0 6 1759
Array 1: $devicename = array( array('t0001'), array('t0002'),
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-12-01 11:08:44 0 1 1759
mysql_quey, abolish it, what should I do?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2017-11-18 19:52:51 0 5 1758
Fatal error: Class 'app\admin\model\Collection' not found
An error will be reported. How to deal with this?
From [PHPdiscussion group] 2018-07-20 15:00:31 0 2 1757