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Share a personal experience in developing small programs

Release: 2017-05-04 09:34:04
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WeChat mini programs have been out for a while. I have recently written several WeChat mini program projects. Today I will talk about my feelings.

First develop a WeChat mini program, the most important thing is to operate it for the company, because when applying for appid (WeChat mini program ID number), you need to fill in relevant company certification information such as business license Wait

The next step is to use a QQ account or WeChat ID that has not yet opened a public account to register a WeChat mini program account.

Finally, download the WeChat applet development tool.

Because here, we focus more on how to develop some apps rather than the Kepu WeChat applet, so we will not explain too much here. For detailed instructions, you can go to the official website help documentation.

First of all, let’s explain and develop our own project step by step. Below is a screenshot of a WeChat app

After seeing the picture above, friends have a general understanding. This is in the debugging tool, and some effects are not as good as on the real machine.

Due to the development, I thought the picture was not very smooth. In fact, it was completely beyond my expectation. The animation effect is very smooth, comparable to ios and andriod apps. I will talk about developing other apps when I have time in the future. Related examples.

Before introducing this article, it is assumed that the user has read the relevant documents of the WeChat applet.

This project is basically based on the original file structure of WeChat, and there is no extra file structure to add, because the WeChat applet stipulates that the project file size cannot exceed 1M, requiring us to try our best to Compressed applet code or other image files, etc. The following is a screenshot of the overall file structure of the WeChat app

1.app.js is mainly globally public The file where the js method declaration and call are located

2.app.json is the entire configuration file of the mini program, so some pages require registration here, otherwise access is not allowed (as shown in the figure below)

3.app.wxss is the global css file of the mini program. It is best to write public css here.

4.pages corresponds to all pages. Each page can add four types. Type files, .json, .wxss, .wxml, .js (as shown in the figure below)

5.utils is where our public js is stored, because the WeChat applet requires that in each js file The method cannot be directly referenced or called, and must be exported using the module.exports method, so that the .js file under pages can call the js method we wrote here. Special attention should be paid to this point

1)app.json page configuration and registration:

2)pages page structure:

Let’s start to explain each page in detail

1. Homepage

The homepage is divided into four files , as shown in the figure below, the specific page functions have been mentioned above.

Let’s take a look at the effect of index.wxml

The title “Let’s Luck” at the top is It is defined in the index.json file. Each file can be defined with a different .json. Of course, the code can also dynamically change it.

It’s very simple, the title is just like this Simple appears.

1) Next, look at the horizontal scrolling banner,

##index.wxml describes it like this

So what is swiper? The WeChat applet help document explains this: swiper slider view container

Attribute nameTypeDefault valueDescriptionindicator-dotsBooleanfalseWhether to display panel indicator dotsautoplayBooleanfalseWhether to switch automaticallycurrentNumber0The index of the current pageintervalNumber5000Automatic switching time intervaldurationNumber500Sliding animation durationcircularBooleanfalseWhether to use connecting slidingbindchangeEventHandleThe change event will be triggered when current changes, event.detail = {current: current}##

Note: Only <swiper-item/> components can be placed in it, other nodes will be automatically deleted.


can only be placed in the <swiper/> component, and the width and height are automatically set to 100%.

 1 示例代码: 2  3 <swiper indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}" 4   autoplay="{{autoplay}}" interval="{{interval}}" duration="{{duration}}"> 5   <block wx:for="{{imgUrls}}"> 6     <swiper-item> 7       <image src="{{item}}" class="slide-image" width="355" height="150"/> 8     </swiper-item> 9   </block>10 </swiper>11 <button bindtap="changeIndicatorDots"> indicator-dots </button>12 <button bindtap="changeAutoplay"> autoplay </button>13 <slider bindchange="intervalChange" show-value min="500" max="2000"/> interval14 <slider bindchange="durationChange" show-value min="1000" max="10000"/> duration15 Page({16   data: {17     imgUrls: [18       &#39;http://img02.tooopen.com/images/20150928/tooopen_sy_143912755726.jpg&#39;,19       &#39;http://img06.tooopen.com/images/20160818/tooopen_sy_175866434296.jpg&#39;,20       &#39;http://img06.tooopen.com/images/20160818/tooopen_sy_175833047715.jpg&#39;21     ],22     indicatorDots: false,23     autoplay: false,24     interval: 5000,25     duration: 100026   },27   changeIndicatorDots: function(e) {28     this.setData({29       indicatorDots: !this.data.indicatorDots30     })31   },32   changeAutoplay: function(e) {33     this.setData({34       autoplay: !this.data.autoplay35     })36   },37   intervalChange: function(e) {38     this.setData({39       interval: e.detail.value40     })41   },42   durationChange: function(e) {43     this.setData({44       duration: e.detail.value45     })46   }47 })
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After reading the official document above, you can clearly know that this is our similar It is the same as the banner sliding plug-in used in writing HTML. You can just take it and use it. How convenient.

We also use parameter binding in our project, and the relevant output parameters

The parameters are defined in the index.js pages({...}) method

Why do we need to bind parameters? Why not just write the parameters directly? There are too many benefits. We can't write the pictures to death and request the pictures from the server. At the same time, we can easily control our relevant parameters to change the behavior of the swiper.

As for parameter binding, the official website makes it very clear, so I won’t explain it here.

2) City selection and switching

This seems very simple, but in fact it is very troublesome. If you are not familiar with animation, it may be distressing. Ichiban.

The above animation is very smooth, maybe because the screen capture tool is not very good, but you don’t need to worry about this.

When we click on the "exchange circle" in the middle, the "departure city" and "arrival city" are exchanged with each other. They do not change immediately, but there is a "displacement" effect in the middle. At the same time, the "exchange" Circle" also needs to be rotated 180 degrees.

This experience immediately makes you feel "higher". Haha, isn't it? Below we implement it in detail.

Let’s first review the documentation related to animation on the official website


Create an animation instance animation. Call the instance's methods to describe the animation. Finally, the animation data is exported through the export method of the animation instance and passed to the animation property of the component.

Note: export Each time the method is called, the previous animation operation will be cleared

OBJECT parameter description:

##duration IntegerNoAnimation duration, unit ms, default value 400##timingFunctiondelaytransformOrigin
var animation = wx.createAnimation({
  transformOrigin: "50% 50%",
  duration: 1000,
  timingFunction: "ease",
  delay: 0})
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String NoDefine the effect of the animation, the default value is "linear", valid values: "linear", "ease", "ease-in", "ease-in-out", "ease-out", " step-start","step-end"
IntegerNoAnimation delay time, unit ms, Default value 0
StringNoSet transform-origin, the default is "50% 50% 0"

Animation instances can call the following methods to describe animations. After the call is completed, they will return to themselves and support chain call writing.




valueTransparency, parameter range 0~1
color Color value
lengthLength value, if Number is passed in, px is used by default, other custom units can be passed in The length value of
length length value, if Number is passed in, px is used by default, and the length of other custom units can be passed in Value
lengthLength value, if Number is passed in, px is used by default, and length values ​​in other custom units can be passed in
lengthThe length value, if Number is passed in, px is used by default, and length values ​​in other custom units can be passed in
lengthThe length value, if Number is passed in, px is used by default, and length values ​​in other custom units can be passed in
lengthThe length value, if Number is passed in, px is used by default, and length values ​​in other custom units can be passed in
rotatedegThe range of deg is -180~180, rotate one deg angle clockwise from the origin
rotateXdegThe range of deg is -180~180, rotate one deg angle on the X-axis
rotateYdeg The range of deg is -180~180, rotate a deg angle on the Y axis
rotateZdegThe range of deg is -180~180, on Rotate the Z axis by one deg angle
rotate3d(x,y,z,deg)Same as transform-function rotate3d


scalesx,[sy]With one parameter, it means scaling the sx multiple on the X-axis and Y-axis at the same time; with two parameters, it means scaling the Scale sx multiples on the X-axis and sy multiples on the Y-axis
scaleXsxScale sx multiples on the
syScale the sy multiple on the Y axis
szScale sy multiples on the Z axis
(sx,sy,sz)Scale sx multiples on the X axis, on the Y axis Scale the sy multiple, scale the sz multiple on the Z axis

Method##translatetx,[ty]When there is one parameter, it means in The X-axis offset is tx, the unit is px; when there are two parameters, it means the X-axis offset is tx, and the Y-axis offset is ty, the unit is px. translateXtx Offset tx on the X axis, unit pxtranslateYty Offset tx on Y axis, unit pxtranslateZtz Offset on Z axis Move tx, unit pxtranslate3d(tx,ty,tz)Offset tx on the X axis, offset ty on the Y axis , offset tz on the Z axis, unit pxTilt:
Parameter Description

MethodParameters Descriptionskewax,[ay]Parameter range -180~180; When there is one parameter, the Y-axis coordinate remains unchanged, and the X-axis coordinate is tilted clockwise by ax degrees; when there are two parameters, the X-axis is tilted by ax degrees, and the Y-axis is tilted by ay degreesskewXaxParameter range -180~180; Y-axis coordinate remains unchanged, X-axis coordinate is tilted clockwise by a degreeskewY ayParameter range -180~180; Matrix transformation: Method

DescriptionSame as transform-function matrix##matrix3dSame as transform-function matrix3d


调用动画操作方法后要调用 step() 来表示一组动画完成,可以在一组动画中调用任意多个动画方法,一组动画中的所有动画会同时开始,一组动画完成后才会进行下一组动画。step 可以传入一个跟 wx.createAnimation() 一样的配置参数用于指定当前组动画的配置。


 1 <view animation="{{animationData}}" style="background:red;height:100rpx;width:100rpx"></view> 2 Page({ 3   data: { 4     animationData: {} 5   }, 6   onShow: function(){ 7     var animation = wx.createAnimation({ 8       duration: 1000, 9         timingFunction: &#39;ease&#39;,10     })11 12     this.animation = animation13 14     animation.scale(2,2).rotate(45).step()15 16     this.setData({17       animationData:animation.export()18     })19 20     setTimeout(function() {21       animation.translate(30).step()22       this.setData({23         animationData:animation.export()24       })25     }.bind(this), 1000)26   },27   rotateAndScale: function () {28     // 旋转同时放大29     this.animation.rotate(45).scale(2, 2).step()30     this.setData({31       animationData: this.animation.export()32     })33   },34   rotateThenScale: function () {35     // 先旋转后放大36     this.animation.rotate(45).step()37     this.animation.scale(2, 2).step()38     this.setData({39       animationData: this.animation.export()40     })41   },42   rotateAndScaleThenTranslate: function () {43     // 先旋转同时放大,然后平移44     this.animation.rotate(45).scale(2, 2).step()45     this.animation.translate(100, 100).step({ duration: 1000 })46     this.setData({47       animationData: this.animation.export()48     })49   }50 })
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由上述可以看出,图片的左上角坐标是(x:0,y:0,z:0);而我们要旋转一个图片,一般不希望在左上角做为旋转点,最多的情况下,就是以图片的中心点为旋转点(x:50%,y:50%,z:0) z坐标是指向我们的坐标,就像css里的z-index一样,我们应该把它设为0,即使你设为任何一个数字,你的视角差也感不到任何不同,因为,图片的z轴是垂直我们视线的,故一般设置为0。




其中属性transformOrigin 已说明,默认为图片的中心点,可能是作者的初衷也这么认为的,旋转应该以”元素“的中心点来操作应用比较多点,这是合情可理的



如何让一个元素从一个位置从A点移到B点呢?可能通过上述的样式属性在改变”元素“的top bottom left right 达到效果,

当然也可以通过其它动画方法来改变,如偏移 translate(x,y,z)。

通过top bottom left right 样式属性来实现动画,前提是,这个”元素“一定是相对定位或者绝对定位的,不然是不出效果的,这和写css里的position:absolute相同的原理。








这里注意一点,animationsSourceCity初始化的时候,css里用了left, 动画时,必须用它的left来"位移",而不是right


为什么有的朋友会想在初始化的时候用left可动画的时候想right的呢?可能考虑到元素的准确的定位原因,毕竟,精确的定位不是一件很容易的事情。 为什么这么说呢?因为考虑到app在其它屏上显示。





 1     animation1 = wx.createAnimation({ 2           duration: 300, 3           timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;, 4           transformOrigin: "50%,50%" 5         }) 6  7         this.setData({ 8           animationData: animation1.export() 9         })10 11          animation2 = wx.createAnimation({12           duration: 300,13           timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;14         })15 16         this.setData({17           animationSourceCity: animation2.export()18         })19 20          animation3 = wx.createAnimation({21           duration: 300,22           timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;23         })24 25         this.setData({26           animationDestCity: animation3.export()27         })
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animation2要完成的是从left ”出发城市“水平移动至”到达城市“坐标


 1 animation2.left(&#39;600rpx&#39;).step() 2         this.setData({ 3         animationSourceCity: animation2.export() 4       }) 5  6       setTimeout(function(){ 7         animation2.left(&#39;30rpx&#39;).step({duration: 0, transformOrigin: "50%,50%",timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;}) 8         that.setData({ 9            animationSourceCity: animation2.export()10         })11       },285)12 13       animation3.right(&#39;580rpx&#39;).step()14         this.setData({15         animationDestCity: animation3.export()16       })17       18        setTimeout(function(){19         animation3.right(&#39;30rpx&#39;).step({duration: 0, transformOrigin: "50%,50%",timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;})20         that.setData({21            animationDestCity: animation3.export()22         })23       },285)
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        this.setData({        animationSourceCity: animation2.export()      })

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<em>        animation2.left(&#39;30rpx&#39;).step({duration: 0, transformOrigin: "50%,50%",timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;})        that.setData({            animationSourceCity: animation2.export()         })
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  var tempSourceCity=this.data.sourceCity      var tempDestCity=this.data.destCity      this.setData({
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        animationData: animation1.export()
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 1 animation1.rotate(180).step() 2       3      this.setData({ 4         animationData: animation1.export() 5       }) 6         7       var that=this; 
 8       setTimeout(function(){ 9         animation1.rotate(0).step({duration: 0, transformOrigin: "50%,50%",timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;})10         that.setData({11            animationData: animation1.export()12         })13       },300)
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animation1.rotate(0).step({duration: 0, transformOrigin: "50%,50%",timingFunction: &#39;linear&#39;})
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好了,这部分的动画就全部完成了,下面我们还有首页的上下不间断滚动、类似苹果手机ios app的滑动、删除效果,以及https api(基于asp.net mvc)的搭建、交互等等,期待着我们一个一个的解决呢,这些我准备将在后面的文章陆陆续续的写出,敬请关注,谢谢。 


The above is the detailed content of Share a personal experience in developing small programs. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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