HTML5 and css3
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18 May 2019
HTML5 is the fifth major revised version of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and is the latest version. CSS3 is the latest CSS standard and the latest version of CSS. It adds many powerful new features based on CSS2.1.
29 Dec 2021
CSS3 is an upgraded version of CSS technology. Elements in the CSS3 specification can move forward at different speeds because different browser manufacturers only support given features. HTML5 is the fifth major revised version of HTML. It is the specification of HTML, the core language in the Web, and a language description method for constructing Web content.
25 Feb 2022
HTML5 is the fifth major revision of the Hypertext Markup Language HTML, which is primarily designed to make it easier for web developers and browser creators to follow consensus-based standards, thereby improving compliance and enhancing compliance. CSS3 is an upgraded version of CSS technology. It is a computer language used to express file styles such as HTML or XML.
21 May 2017
Before CSS3, we could add an image to the background. CSS3 allowed us to add multiple images to one element. Multiple background images.demo { width: 600px; height: 200px; border: 1px solid black; background: url('1.png' ) no-repeat;}Multiple backgrounds can add multiple image resources
20 Feb 2017
Regarding the separation of onclick behavior and content 1. Trigger pop-up windows through links (this method is not recommended!!!) <a href='#' onclcik = "'holiday_pay.html',WinName,'width= 300, height = 300');"> Holiday Pay </a> If JS is disabled and the link cannot guide the user to the corresponding page, do not use href
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