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1 Database usage specifications
1.1 All operations related to the database on the server can only be performed by server administrators.
1.2 When accessing the database in the program, use a unified user and a unified connection file to access the database.
1.3 In principle, each channel can only build one library. The library name is consistent with the English name of each channel, and the library contains several tables. For relatively large and key columns, you can consider building a separate database, and the database name should be consistent with the English name of the column.
1.4 Naming:
(1) A series of database-related names such as databases, tables, fields, indexes, views, etc. must all be named with English words related to the content (try to avoid using Chinese Pinyin). For a word If it is difficult to express, you can consider naming multiple words connected by underscores (_) (no more than four words).
(2) All names must use English lowercase letters.
(3) All names cannot use underscores (_) at the beginning and end.
(4) All names cannot contain 26 English lowercase letters and other characters other than underscore (_).
1.5 Databases and tables that are no longer used should be deleted and must be backed up (including structure and content) before deletion.

2 Documentation Specifications
All projects must have relevant documentation (can be electronic documents). The document should contain the following content:
(1) Project name.
(2) List of project team and project leader.
(3) Project development start time and end time.
(4) Project content description.
(5) Project location. (In which channel and column)
(6) The program file name (including path name) related to the project, the file content and the functional description of the implementation.
(7) Complete program flow chart.
(8) Names and uses of databases, tables, views, and indexes. The name, type, length, and purpose of the field must be accompanied by the relevant SQL statement.

3 Source code and page nesting specifications
3.1 Source code:
(1) Before using custom variables (including global variables and local variables), you must declare the variables and mark the variables with comment statements Type and use.
(2) Custom functions must use comment statements to indicate the purpose of the function, the data type and meaning of the parameters, and the type of the return value.
(3) For important processes in the program or processes with long codes, comment statements should be used to indicate the start and end lines of the process, and to indicate the function of the process.
(5) All annotation text must be in Simplified Chinese.

3.2 HTML page nesting:
(1) The HTML page designed by the web design department is nested in

to determine the position for dynamically displaying the program execution results. Width, number of lines (or height), etc., and provide text descriptions in the corresponding positions. Pictures, text, links, etc. on the page that have nothing to do with the program must use complete URLs.
(2) Software developers and editors can negotiate according to the situation and store page files and pictures independently of programs on their own servers, and page revisions and program modifications can be carried out independently.
(3) Use include technology to embed the separated HTML pages into the program code respectively. It is required that the program does not need to be rewritten when modifying the HTML page, and the effect of the HTML page will not be affected when modifying the program. Modify the page and modify the program. Each task is independent.
(4) After the page and program are nested, the overall display effect of the original HTML page cannot be destroyed. The font, font size, color, etc. should try to maintain the style of the original HTML page.
(5) Various indicators of dynamically generated pages (such as image size, page width, height, number of bytes of page files, etc.) should comply with the company's web design requirements.

4 Test specifications (software part)
For larger projects, a corresponding test team should be established, with team members composed of software developers, web designers, technical staff, and editors. The testing process should be conducted with reference to the original HTML page provided by the web design department for the project. The test content includes the following points:
(1) Page width and height (number of lines).
(2) Whether the page text, pictures, and colors are consistent in style.
(3) Whether the pictures on the page are displayed normally and whether they are deformed.
(4) The effect of pop-up page.
(5) Whether the page connection is correct.
(6) Whether the dynamically generated page meets the requirements of the above aspects, and whether the page size (number of bytes, including page pictures, *.js, *.css, *.class and other related files) conforms to the web design requirements.
(7) Whether the software functions are implemented. Such as database query, modification, deletion, file upload, download and other operations are normal.
(8) After the test, truthfully fill in the test results in the "Test Report" according to the "Software Development Requirements Letter", including those that passed and those that failed, point out the error page and related program files, and attach Error messages that occurred during testing.

(6)鼓勵並提倡資訊內容的再加工和處理,避免簡單的重複和拷貝,杜絕I-C-P(Internet Copy Paste)不良傾向。 
2 編輯要求 
① 摸準媒體更新規律,且及時捕捉新聞,選用新聞價值高、可讀性強、知識性、實用性、趣味性的稿件。 
② 注意由熱門新聞注意從不同角度選稿,多面向報道,連續報道,深度分析,形成氣候,但內容相同的只選一篇。 
③ 資訊量達到不漏重要新聞外,還要捕捉更多吸引人的新聞。
④ 不得選用與中央宣傳口徑不一致、中傷我國、不利於祖國統一、攻擊黨、政府和國家領導人、違反民族宗教外交及其他政策,以及宣揚封建迷信、色情、暴力和明顯失實、洩密的稿件,選稿時要通讀全文,絕對保證無上述內容。 
⑤ 報紙和新華社都有的,用新華社稿。 
⑥ ICP網站專稿慎用,其轉抄稿找到原出處再用。 
① 收集資訊資料以撰寫專題論文和專題。 
② 耳聞目睹新聞事件,抓住並採訪,寫成專稿。 
③ 收看實況轉播,同步編發專稿。 
④ 從外文網站捕捉最新新聞,編譯成專稿。 
⑤ 組織專訪、座談、與網友會面等活動撰寫專稿。 
⑥ 編髮網友來稿及社區討論稿。 
① 力求簡短、醒目、新奇、吸引人。 
② 最好為一行題,不超過14個字。 
③ 特定媒體原題可省略地名或以代稱的,應將地名標出。 
④ 標題首字不得為空格,題中引號要用全角符號,重要標題可為黑體。 
⑤ 標題前圖示一般以小黑點,專題的標題前圖示由編輯自訂。 
① 通訊社電頭保留,報紙電頭如保留,"本報"須改為報名。 
② 台灣報紙或通訊社改為"台灣消息"、"台北消息"或"台灣媒體報道"。 
① 防止錯註為預設來源。 
② 台灣報紙或通訊社新聞可直接採用的,不注資訊來源,經改編的,註中華網。 
③ 資訊為轉載的,最好去找原出處,否則,仍以最後出處為資訊來源。 
① 分段,文章的段首空兩格,與傳統格式保持一致,因網上看文章較費眼睛,段與段之間空一行可以使文章更清晰易看。 
② 沿用 "今天"、"昨天"發生錯誤的,應改成具體日期。 
③ 不得出現"中華民國"、"民國",不得將台產說成國產。對於台灣的一些內容必須引用的,要加引號,如台灣"國防部" 。 
④ 稿件中的漢字、標點符號變成"?"、"囗"或空格的,應據原稿改正。 
⑤ 港澳台及國外報紙譯名與大陸譯法不同,應改為規範譯名,譯名中的 
"·"不得寫成"." 。 
例如:"我國"應寫成為"中國","星加坡"(港台稱法)統一寫成為"新 加坡","紐西蘭"寫成為"新西蘭"。 
⑥ 文中或署名不應出現"本報"字樣,應改為報名或刪除;文中出現的繁體字一律改成簡體,標點用橫排符號,文尾"完"字刪去。 
⑦ 提倡縮編、精編,從報紙轉成網絡文稿,常常形成完全或基本雷同的兩段文字,應刪除雷同部分。 
⑧ 杜絕錯字、別字和自造字,注意平時累積。避免符號取代的情況:例如: 
"朱鎔基" 用"朱(金加容旁)基"代替。 
① 除充分利用現成的圖稿件外,可將分別報道的圖片新聞與文字新聞加以組合,以利網友閱讀。 
② 用壓縮技術提高顯示速度。 。 
③ 保證圖片不變形。 
④ 圖形檔案副檔名必須為"JPG"和"GIF"。 
⑤ 圖形檔案大小不能超過 5K 
① 代表中華網風格和頻道特色,請精心製作。 
② 應當保障能夠每日更新,同時盡可能"圖文並茂"。 
③ 精選網友關心、喜聞樂見、生動活潑、能吸引人的稿件,力求一下子把他抓住,非看不可,盡量避免與一般網站的要聞雷同。 
④ 標題為一行題,少於16 字。 
⑤ 用圖片回報人們關注的最新新聞,以成就、精彩時刻為主。 
⑥ 畫面要美,選近景、特寫,或切割精彩部分。 
⑦ 須做成長寬相同的方形。 
① 頻道中最新新聞連帶首頁。 
② 發稿集中時可選重要的。 
③ 連帶量約為 60%。 
① 專題是集中訊息,方便閱讀的手段,應積極增設。 
② 選題由熱點的關注程度決定,所設欄位一般為新聞速遞、評論或反應、圖片新聞、背景資料、相關連結、更多專題。 
③ 小型專題由頻道編輯決定,與產品部、技術部聯繫即可設立。大型專題先提出建議,經策劃部確定,再設立。 
⑧ 專題新聞要全,並選出重要的同時發往頻道和首頁快訊欄。 
① 積極收集實用、備查、有趣訊息,供網友查閱欣賞。增強服務性、實用性,會大幅提升瀏覽率,是網站發展方向,要高度重視。 
② 計畫推出後,須不斷或定時擴充的一定要做到,須更新的資訊一定要及時更新,勿使網友失望。 
① 積極尋求合作者,以增加即時實用資訊。 
② 經常點擊,發現變動,及時改正。 
3 審稿制度 
① 每位編輯所發稿件,自己要認真審查一次。 
② 兩位編輯負責一個頻道的,要互相將另一人的稿件複審一遍。三人組成的,則分工複審。部門監製要對內容負責,監督主編、編輯的資訊發布。 
③ 編輯沒有掌握的稿件,經監製、主編審後再發。 
④ 監製、主編抽查已發稿件。 
⑤ 對於掌握不好的訊息,要向網審請示,杜絕自以為是,想當然的做法。


目前,china.com首頁日常更新的有五方面內容:"頭條連結"、"頻道精選"、"專題特集" 、 "圖片推薦"和"精彩推薦"。
一、 頭條連結 
1. 推薦內容要緊扣頻道名稱,應盡量避免及其他頻道內容的衝突。真正做到體現頻道本色。 
2. 推薦內容符合社會、政治以及道德民意主流,盡量避免有損黨和政府形象、血腥暴力、色情低俗的內容。 
3. 推薦內容一定要註明資訊來源(即便是網友原創也要註明),並保證不牽扯版權問題。 
4. 推薦內容的標題字數限制在16字以內。連結必須是終極頁面的URL。 
5. 一定要等推薦內容鏡像到北京才可寄送郵件推薦。 
6. 推薦內容寄至統一信箱:best@sz.china.com。 
The right side of the channel selection is the "Picture Recommendation" position. Update frequency is daily or semi-daily. Images should also be free of copyright issues (recommending pornographic and politically vilifying images is strictly prohibited). In addition, recommended content must be timely and unique.
It is recommended to send it directly to the email address best@sz.china.com. The included elements are pictures (the quality must be clear, height 160x width 120~140), text description title, and the final page URL.

5. About "Wonderful Recommendations"
"Wonderful Recommendations" is a recommendation area separated from the original "Special Editions". In principle, its update frequency is three to five days. The difference from "Special Collection" is that its recommendation range is wider. Highlight recommendations can be news tracking reports, etc., and the number of pages is more than 5 pages.
Send recommendations directly to the email address best@sz.china.com, including the element recommendation title (the number of words in the title is limited to 10 words) and the final page URL.
Please monitor and edit each channel to consciously maintain the image of the china.com homepage, carefully consider and recommend the excellent content of this channel.

Planning Center
August 3, 2000

In order to better standardize and manage our company's website software development work, so that software developers can accurately and quickly Understand various software development requirements to facilitate communication with the editorial department and improve work efficiency. When other departments of the company propose website-related software development requirements, they must fill out the "Website Software Development Requirements Form" and submit it to the software development manager.
The following is the content that needs to be filled in the "Function Required" column in the "Website Software Development Requirement Form":
1 Client
1.1 Client program flow chart.
1.2 Explain the functions implemented by each step and related pages one by one according to the flow chart.
1.3 The purpose of the page (including the page returned after the program is executed), the relationship between them, the pictures, text and related links of the page. If there is already an HTML page, it must be provided together.
1.4 Specify the functions that each page needs to implement:
(1) List the data items submitted through the form, data type (numbers, characters), and data length. Indicate required (options) and non-required (options). (The data items selected and entered by the user must provide optional content.)
(2) The conditions used in query (statistics) and the combination of query conditions.
(3) The data items displayed in the query results, and the display effects (such as paging display, number of records displayed on each page, etc.).
(4) Provide data maintenance functions for users. (Such as data update, deletion, etc.)
1.5 The format, conditions, content, sender, and recipient of sending E-mail.
1.6 If classification is involved, the relevant classification system (classification method, content) must be provided.
1.7 Execution conditions and operation permissions for file upload and download, file type and size range.
1.8 If page management and program management are required to be independent, you need to provide the address where the HTML page is stored (complete URL address).
1.9 reference site URL.

2 Management end
2.1 Management end program flow chart.
2.2 Explain the functions implemented by each step one by one according to the flow chart.
2.3 Put forward specific requirements for the implementation of each functional module in the following way:
(1) List the data items submitted through the form, data type (numbers, characters), and data length. Indicate required (options) and non-required (options). (Selecting the input data items must provide optional content.)
(2) The conditions used in query (statistics) and the combination of query conditions.
(3) The data items displayed in the query results, and the display effects (such as paging display, number of records displayed on each page, etc.).
(4) Data items that require management side maintenance (such as updating, deleting, etc.).
2.4 The format, conditions, content, sender and recipient of sending E-mail.
2.5 If classification is involved, the relevant classification system (classification method, content) must be provided.
2.6 Execution conditions and operation permissions for file upload and download, file type and size range.
2.7 Backup of database and files.

If the applicant is not sure about the above requirements, he can indicate "entrust a software developer to assist in solving the problem".

China.com website structure and organizational principles

1 Overview
1.1 Website information classification is to classify website information according to the attributes of the website content, audience objects and other characteristics. A means to develop and systematically organize according to a certain system. The information classification of the China.com website is divided into various columns based on China.com's positioning facts and audience as an online information portal. Its column structure reflects the classification principle.
1.2 Website classification of information is a means, and the purpose is to allow viewers to use the website to quickly access the information they need. Therefore, the tasks of website information classification can be summarized in two parts: First, reveal the content of various types of information on the website to facilitate browsing. The second is to form a category system based on the close relationship between the information published on the website to facilitate information collection and editing to effectively carry out various tasks.
1.3 The implementation of website information classification includes the following three aspects: classification (that is, establishing a scientific classification system), classification (that is, clarifying the meaning of category concepts in the classification system and the relationship between categories) and classification (That is, based on the results of the classification debate, determine the category in the classification system that the information to be released should belong to, so that various category groups or channels can work effectively).
2 China.com website column organizational structure
2.1 China.com website column adopts a hierarchical organizational structure, that is, the initial classification objects (divided things or concepts) are classified according to a number of selected attributes and characteristics (As the basis for classification), it is divided into several corresponding hierarchical categories (columns) one after another, and arranged into a hierarchical, step-by-step structural system.
2.2 The organizational structure of the China.com website column is based on the line classification method and combines some advantages of the surface classification method to adapt to the website's special information composition and audience service targets.
2.3 In this hierarchical organizational structure, the homogeneous categories (columns) are basically in a parallel relationship (if each major category is subdivided into several levels, there will be overlap between the lower categories) relationship), there is a subordinate relationship between the lower class and the upper class.
2.4 The lower-level categories (columns) directly divided by the upper-level category are called lower-level categories relative to the upper-level category; the lower-level categories directly divided by one category become homogeneous categories.
2.5 In this organizational structure, there are four types of relationships between each column: "Genus (S)", "Division (F)", "Generation (D)", and "Use (Y)". The relationship between the upper class and the lower class is the relationship of "division", and the relationship between the lower class and the upper class is the relationship of "genus"; if two columns belonging to different categories have the same conceptual extension, then they store specific content. The column becomes the "categorization column", and the column without content is called the "link column". The relationship between the "categorization column" and the "link column" is the relationship of "generation", and the "link column" and the "categorization column" The relationship becomes a "use" relationship.
2.6 The columns are arranged in a logical order using large categories and small categories, that is, according to the hierarchical system from total to points and from top to bottom. Within the same level, they are arranged from general to specific and from close to vegetable. order.
2.7 The number of categories. On the China.com website, it is temporarily stipulated that a higher-level category can be divided into no more than nine lower-level categories.
2.8 Category level, the category level on the China.com website is temporarily stipulated not to exceed level four.
3 Principles of column division
3.1 Basic description of classification principles
·Classification is division, and the basis for division is the classification standard. This standard usually refers to the similarities between a type of things, that is, some attribute of something.
·The basic principles of classification include the following five properties: "scientificness," "systematicity", "scalability", "compatibility" and "comprehensive practicality".
3.2 Specific description of classification principles
·The positions of the columns that represent the information content must be connected according to objective principles.
·Including three aspects: first, the principle of information assurance. That is, each column (category) listed should have a certain amount of information, and there should be no false categories. The second is the principle of stability. Once the column settings are determined, they must be relatively stable and cannot be easily changed, so the columns should be modified. When setting up, the original columns cannot be easily changed. For new columns, the generality of the columns and their maturity must be considered, and it is not easy to add columns.
·Suitable for in-site retrieval. 🎜>·Adopt a hierarchical classification model. The upper-level concepts of the same family include lower-level concepts. The total scope of the lower-level categories divided by a certain upper-level category should be equal to the upper-level category.
For example: Commerce (1). ) F
·Business News (11)
·Market Research (12)
·Business Directory (13)
·Product Showroom (14)
·Business Opportunities (15)
··Supply and demand information (151)
··Tendering information (152)
··Cooperation information (153)
·Business manual (16)
··Policies and regulations (161) Y (211)
·Business knowledge (162)
·Business strategy (17)
·Special reports (18)
·Try to avoid overlap and duplication between the same categories, and only correspond to one upper category .
··商貿(211) (D) (161) … 
4 說明 
4.2 在各級導覽中欄目的位置應固定。各級導航也應有層次性。例如按從上到下的順序等,並有顏色上的區分。 

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