
官方給的實例是直接在要拖曳的元素上加上class="ui-widget-content"。最初我是在所有要拖曳的元素都加入了「ui-widget-content」類別。但測試拖曳結果,發現元素只能在它所在的container裡面拖曳,再往右拖曳,div會出現水平或垂直捲軸。不知道是不是自己在參數設定上不對。 container設定了overflow:auto。
Step 2: Copy the content of the element to be dragged to the draggableDiv. When dragging the parent node, the child node elements below it must also be dragged and dropped to the right. If it is a dragged child node element, the child node element will be displayed directly on the right. The parent node and the child node are relative, because the nodes in the tree structure on the left can be infinite, so an element may be both a child node element and a parent node element. By listening to the mousedown and mouseup events, you can determine that the user is dragging the element. The principle of this step is shown in the figure below:

When the user drags the B node, first copy the content on the B element to draggableDiv element, when the user drags the B element, it actually drags the draggableDiv element. So we need to calculate the position of the B element we clicked, and then let the draggableDiv display the correct position when dragging. Then the dragging is the draggableDiv element, and the user looks like the dragged B node element.
var clickElement = null; $(".threepanels .ptreelist ").bind("mousedown",function (event) {
//Get the content of the current mousedown element
var itemContent = $(this).html(); var draggableDiv = $("#draggableDiv") ;
$(draggableDiv).css({ "display": "block", "height": 0 });
//Copy the content of the clicked element
clickElement = $(this).clone ();
var currentdiv = $(this).offset(); $(draggableDiv).css({ "top": currentdiv.top, "left": currentdiv.left }); draggableDiv.trigger(event) ;
//Cancel the default behavior return false; });
$("#draggableDiv").mouseup(function (event) { $(this).css({ "height": "0" }) ; });
//The position of the mouse when dragging the element
var dragDivLeft = 0;
var dragDivTop = 0;
$("#draggableDiv").draggable({ containment: "parent ", drag: function (event, ui) { $("#draggableDiv").css({ "width": "260px", "height": "22px" });
$("#draggableDiv") .append(clickElement);
var closeTop = $(".closeBar").offset().top;
dragDivLeft = event.target.offsetLeft;
dragDivTop = event.target.offsetTop; },
stop: function () {
//Empty the contents of the drag container after dragging is completed
$("#draggableDiv" ).css({"height":"0"}); }
Step 3: The element on the right can be placed at the specified position
You need to drag the element into the specified area and then release the operation. Complete the "put" operation. As you can see from the picture above, I store the upper left edge and the lower left edge of the element into an array. Then during the "drag" process, the left side of the drag is always recorded. When it is placed on the right side, it can be judged where the current element will be placed. You can download the code to view the details.
rendering after completing the code is as follows:
Code download: DragandDrop.rar