取父窗口的元素方法:$(selector, window.parent.document);
那么你取父窗口的父窗口的元素就可以用:$(selector, window.parent.parent.document);
$(selector, window.top.document);
$(selector, window.opener.document);
$(selector, window.top.frames[0].document);
(1) 通过window对象的open()方法,open()方法将会产生一个新的window窗口对象
URL: 描述要打开的窗口的URL地址,如何为空则不打开任何网页;
打开一个 400 x 100 的干净的窗口:
也可以这样写: var newWindow = open('','_blank');
top=# 窗口顶部离开屏幕顶部的像素数
left=# 窗口左端离开屏幕左端的像素数
width=# 窗口的宽度
height=# 窗口的高度
menubar=... 窗口有没有菜单,取值yes或no
toolbar=... 窗口有没有工具条,取值yes或no
location=... 窗口有没有地址栏,取值yes或no
directories=... 窗口有没有连接区,取值yes或no
scrollbars=... 窗口有没有滚动条,取值yes或no
status=... 窗口有没有状态栏,取值yes或no
resizable=... 窗口给不给调整大小,取值yes或no
(2) 在javascript中除了通过open()方法建立window对象实现弹出窗口外,还可以通过建立对话框的方式弹出窗口。
alert(""); //弹出信息提示对话框
confirm(""); //弹出信息确认对话框
prompt(""); //具有交互性质的对话框
(3) 使用模态对话框实现复杂的对话框需求
的窗口仍可以进行其他的操作,即对话框不总是最上面的焦点,当打开它的窗口URL改变时,它自动关闭。而模态[IE4]方式的对话框始终有焦点(焦点不可移走,直到它关闭)。模态对话框和打开它的窗口相联系,因此我们打开另外的窗口时,他们的链接关系依然保存,并且隐藏在活动窗口的下面。 showModeDialog()则不然。
不小于100px,IE4中dialogHeight和dialogWidth 默认的单位是em,而IE5中是px,为方便其见,在定义modal方式的对话框时,用px做单位。
dialogWidth: 对话框宽度。
dialogLeft: 距离桌面左的距离。
dialogTop: 离桌面上的距离。
center: 窗口是否居中
默认yes,但仍可以指定高度和宽度,取值范围{yes | no | 1 | 0 }。
help: 是否显示帮助按钮
默认yes,取值范围 {yes | no | 1 | 0 }。
resizable: whether it can be resized.
The default is no, the value range is {yes | no | 1 | 0} [IE5].
status: Whether to display the status bar.
The default is yes[Modal] or no[Modal],
Value range {yes | no | 1 | 0} [IE5].
scroll: Indicates whether the dialog box displays scroll bars.
The default is yes, the value range is { yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off }.
There are also several attributes used in HTA, which are generally not used in ordinary web pages.
dialogHide: Whether the dialog box is hidden during printing or print preview.
The default is no, the value range is { yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off }.
edge: Specifies the border style of the dialog box.
The default is raised, and the value range is { sunken | raised }.
unadorned: The default is no, the value range is { yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off }.
Incoming parameters:
To pass parameters to the dialog box, they are passed through vArguments. There is no limit on the type. For string types, the maximum length is 4096 characters. You can also pass objects
For example:
var newWin=window.showModalDialog(url,window,'dialogHeight:500px, dialogLeft:100px, dialogTop:100px,
dialogWidth:300px, status:0, edge:sunken');
Compared with using the window.open() method to create a window, the difference between creating a window using the modal method is that the parent window cannot be operated after the window is created using the modal method.
2. Communication between child window and parent window
(1) The window created using window.open() communicates with the parent window
You can obtain the parent window object through window.opener in the child window page. After obtaining it, the child window can refresh the parent window. Operations such as passing values.
For example:
window.opener.location.reload(); //The child window refreshes the parent window
window.opener.location.href //Gets the parent window href
window.opener.locaiton. pathname //Get the parent window path name
//Refresh the parent page
window.location.href=window.location.href; //Reposition the parent page
(2) Modal window communicates with the parent window
When a child window created by using showModelDialog(), and showModelessDialog() methods wants to communicate with the parent window, it cannot communicate with the parent window through window.opener
to get the parent window object. To achieve communication, the parent window object must be passed to the child window when creating the modal child window.
The implementation method is:
In parent window:
var newWin=window.showModelDialog(url,window,'');
At this time the parameter window is the parent window object
In child window:
You need to get the parent window object first, and then you can use the parent window object. Since the parent window object is passed in by passing parameters when creating the
child window, the parent window object can only be obtained in the child window by obtaining window parameters. How to get it:
var parent=widnow.dialogArguments;
The variable parent is the parent window object.
For example:
//Submit the form in the parent window through the child window: form1, and execute the query operation after submission
var parent=window.dialogArguments;
//Refresh the parent page
var parent=window.dialogArguments;
// Pass the value from the child window to the parent window
To transfer the value to the parent window in the modal child window, you need to use window.returnValue
The implementation method is as follows:
In child window:
//Get the value of a field in the parent window, add one to the value and return to the parent window
var parent=window.dialogArguments;
var x=parent.docuement.getElementById("age").value;
x=x 1;
//Return the x value
In parent window:
//Get the value from the child window
var newWin=window.showModelDialog(url,window,'');
document.getElementByIdx_x("age") .value=newWin;
//Set the value of the parent window in the child window
It seems that it is not clear to directly set the value of the parent window in the child window. It is more flexible to directly set the value of the element in the parent window. However, which method to use depends on the actual situation and the existing implementation method, because if an unrealistic method is used, it will not only reduce the development efficiency, but also reduce the cost. Execution efficiency often leads to inelegant implementation methods and coding styles.
The child window sets the value of the parent window as follows:
In sub-window:
var parent=window.dialogArguments;
var x=parent.document.getElementByIdx_x("age").value;
x=x 1;
//Set the age attribute value in the parent window
The above are some methods and information I collected and accumulated when using JavaScript to solve the sub-window problem in the project. I implemented it by creating a modal window (this is mainly related to the project itself), but in fact, whether using window.open() or window.showModelDialog() for parameter passing and other operations, although there are some implementation methods There is a big difference. It may feel a bit confusing at first contact, but once you clarify the relationship and roles between the child window and the parent window, it will be easy to understand.