
發布: 2024-05-31 21:34:09
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Inteli5 9400F六核心,散片960塊,華碩B360M-PLUS GAMING主機板,649塊,威剛8G DDR4 2666遊戲威龍,兩個489塊,金士頓A1000 480G固態硬碟,499塊,麗台P1000 4G專業顯示卡,2700塊,航空嘉WD500K額定500W電源,299塊,九州風神玄冰400散熱器,99塊,鑫谷拉克斯機箱,189塊,總共5900塊,因為i7 7700HQCPU不了,i5 9400F六核心六線程給i7 7700都強的,P1000 4G是專業3D,設計,製圖,視頻剪輯,等等使用的顯卡,如果你是工作用的話就可以按照這些硬體來組裝,


1. 組裝床頭櫃的安裝步驟是需要一定時間和耐心的。 2. 首先,根據床頭櫃的說明書或圖紙,將所有的零件和工具準備齊全。然後,按照說明書的指示,逐步進行組裝。通常,需要先組裝床頭櫃的主體結構,包括底板、側板和頂板等,然後再安裝抽屜和門等配件。在組裝過程中,需要注意零件的位置和方向,確保安裝的穩固且正確。 3. 此外,還需要注意一些細節,例如使用合適的螺絲起子和扳手,避免過度擰緊或鬆動。在組裝過程中,可依需求進行調整和調節,確保床頭櫃的整體效果和使用功能。組裝床頭櫃的步驟可以根據不同的品牌和型號有所差異,因此在開始組裝之前,最好仔細閱讀說明書或諮詢專業人士的建議。此外,如果對組裝過程不太熟悉或沒有足夠的時間和能力,也可以考慮請專業的家具安裝人員進行安裝,以確保床頭櫃的品質和使用效果。




3.安裝鐵網,用鐵絲把各個面的鐵網連接起來,也是最耗時的步驟 4.用鐵絲捆綁的邊緣很鋒利,很容易劃傷狗狗或自己。得用膠布封起來,這個也很耗時間 5.初步成型,記得留一面門。



1、拆卸機箱,安裝底板和擋板;裝好電源; 將主機板固定在機殼內;

2、.將CPU安裝好在主機板內CPU插槽中; 將風扇固定在CPU上方; 將硬碟固定機在箱中並連接好電源; 將光碟機固定在機箱中並連接好電源; 用硬碟線將硬碟和光碟機連接主機板;

3、將記憶體插在主機板的記憶體插槽; 連接顯示器,將顯示器的資料線插入主機板後的AGP插槽; 連接鍵盤,將鍵盤插入主機板後的鍵盤插口中; 連接滑鼠,將滑鼠插入主機板後的滑鼠插口中; 將音箱&耳機的音訊線插入主機板後的音訊介面;

4、將網路線插入主機板後的網卡介面; 開機測試硬體; 測試無誤後將機殼封裝好。



2. 從外觀上檢查各配件是否有損,特別是盒裝產品,一定要看好是否拆封的痕跡,對於散裝部件則要注意到有無拆卸、拼裝痕跡,對於有表面的刮痕的部件要特別小心,它們極可能是電腦工作不穩定因素。



We should first install the graphics card, memory, and CPU on the motherboard, and assemble them according to the instructions and card slots of the relevant accessories. First, connect the CPU, graphics card, and memory modules to the motherboard with connecting cables. This During the process, you must follow the instructions to ensure that the cables are not plugged into the wrong position and that the notebook can work normally. After the cables are connected, fix them on the motherboard according to the motherboard's card slot and the actual conditions of the CPU, graphics card, and memory module. The fixing process is performed using screws and screwdrivers.

After the accessories on the motherboard are installed, connect the other wiring on the motherboard, then put them into the groove of the motherboard of the notebook and fix them with screws and screwdrivers. The next step is to install the fan, connect the fan to the motherboard, install the fan into the vent of the case, and secure it with screws. After the fan is installed, the installation inside the notebook casing is basically completed. Place the casing with the keyboard on top of the motherboard, secure it with screws, and then install the keyboard. At this point we install the hard drive, turn the computer upside down, then install the hard drive into the groove of the hard drive, connect it to the motherboard, and then fix it with screws. After it is fixed, fix the shell that protects the hard drive with screws. Then install the power supply. This step is very simple. Just put the power supply into the groove of the power supply. At this point, the computer is basically installed. If nothing unexpected happens, the computer can now start normally.

Is the assembled computer hardware compatible?

Yes, compatibility is taken into consideration when installing the hardware. Generally, it will be perfectly compatible. Only a few pieces of hardware may have incompatibility issues.

What are the steps to install and assemble assembly line electrical sockets?

1. Clean the socket bottom box. The socket is installed after carpenters and painters, etc., and the bottom box that has been left for a long time will inevitably accumulate a lot of dust. During installation, first clean the bottom box of the switch socket, especially the dust and impurities in the box, and wipe away the remaining dust in the box with a damp cloth. This can prevent special impurities from affecting the use of the circuit.

2. Power cord handling. Leave the wires thrown out of the box for maintenance length, and then cut out the wire core, being careful not to damage the wire core. Wind the wire clockwise around the terminal corresponding to the switch or socket, and then tighten the indenter so that the wire core must not be exposed.

3. Three-wire socket wiring method. Connect the live wire to the A mark in one of the two holes of the switch, then take out the insulated wire from the other hole and connect it to the L hole in the three holes of the socket below. The neutral wire is directly connected to the N hole among the three holes of the socket and connected firmly. The ground wire is directly connected to the E hole among the three holes of the socket and connected firmly. If the neutral wire and the ground wire are incorrectly connected, tripping may occur when using electrical appliances.

4. Fixed installation of sockets. First, pass the wires thrown out of the box through the outlet holes of the plastic table, and then fasten the plastic table to the wall and fix it on the box with screws. After fixing, pass the wires through the wire holes of the switch socket according to their respective positions, and press the wires firmly according to the wiring requirements. Finally, attach the switch or socket to the plastic table, align it and fix it firmly with screws, and cover it with a decorative plate.

How to assemble a simple wardrobe? What are the steps to install a simple wardrobe?

1. When installing, the front of the cabinet is facing downwards, and installation is started from left to right or right to left.

2. After the panels are assembled and installed, please ensure that the diagonal error of the cabinet is within plus or minus one millimeter.

3. After the diagonal measurement is completed, please mark the position of the layer or vertical board to be nailed on both sides of the board (side board) to facilitate nailing of the back board.

4. After the cabinet is placed in place, please use a level to measure whether the cabinet is level. If it is not level, please adjust it to a horizontal position. The common method is to place something under the cabinet.

5. After the cabinet is level, you can install the clothes rail, drawer, door panel or sliding door in sequence. After the telescopic mirror, install the handle according to the requirements. Isn’t it very simple? If you still can’t do it, then ask Master Wan to install it.

How to assemble a simple wardrobe, what are the steps to install a simple wardrobe?

The steps for assembling a simple wardrobe are as follows:

According to the installation instructions, first understand the composition of each part of the wardrobe, because each part uses a different symbol. Only by understanding it in advance can you install it. It's not easy to make mistakes.

Follow the installation instructions to build the frame of the wardrobe. First build the lower part, then put the wardrobe fabric in, and then install the upper structure, ensuring the firmness of each part.

Finally, put the cabinet in place and adjust the layout inside the wardrobe so that it can store clothes conveniently.

The installation steps of a simple wardrobe are as follows:

First, according to the installation instructions, understand the composition of each part of the wardrobe, because each part uses different symbols.

Then follow the installation instructions to build the frame of the wardrobe. First build the lower part, and then put the wardrobe fabric in it.

Finally, install the upper structure and ensure the firmness of all parts, then it is ready for use.

During the installation process, you need to pay attention to the following matters:

First, according to the installation instructions, understand the composition of each part of the wardrobe, because each part uses different symbols.

Then follow the installation instructions to build the frame of the wardrobe. First build the lower part, and then put the wardrobe fabric in it.

Finally, install the upper structure and ensure the firmness of all parts, then it is ready for use.

Common problems and solutions:

When installing, the cabinet should be facing down, and then start installation from left to right or right to left.

After the panels are assembled and installed, please ensure that the diagonal error of the cabinet is within plus or minus 1MM.

After the diagonal measurement is completed, please mark the position of the layer or vertical board where the backboard is to be nailed on both sides of the board to facilitate nailing the backboard.

After the cabinet is placed in place, please use a level to measure whether the cabinet is level. If it is not level, please adjust it to a horizontal position.


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