
發布: 2024-06-05 20:12:52
353 人瀏覽過

5月27日,小度科技召開新品發布會,全球首款基於文心大模型的學習機——小度學習機Z30重磅發布,該產品基於文心大模型,重新定義了“ AI老師」的能力邊界,不僅是一款能為孩子提供全面、有效學習輔導的“學習神器”,更是一位能夠讓孩子愛學、會學、學得好的“AI老師”,一舉拉高學習機產業標準。


百度集團副總裁、小度科技CEO 李瑩發布小度學習Z30


AI時代的到來和不斷地發展,對孩子的能力培養提出了新要求。小度科技CEO李瑩表示,「有創造力的孩子,將更有可能在AI時代脫穎而出,他們也將以AI思維改變世界!一位優秀的好老師,在孩子的學習成長過程中,扮演著至關重要的角色。 「有愛心」、「有耐心」的核心要素。對此,小度將DuerOS X即小度「最強腦」賦能教育產品。打造出「學識淵博」、「關懷備至」、「循循善誘」的AI老師。


小度科技CEO李瑩表示:「我們定義的『好老師',除了能夠提供豐富的知識內容,更重要是能夠激發孩子的學習興趣,從而培養孩子的學習習慣,只有這樣孩子才會愛學、會學、學得好。 ,小度教育希望透過AI老師培養AI時代創造型人才,把AI時代的先進教育資源、教育方式普惠給更多中國孩子,幫助他們更好地培養自身創造力。同時,建構學習機產業發展的新標準,引領產業「卷」出大模型應用新高度。


小度學習機Z30在具備豐富的學習資源內容的同時,依托文心大模型的能力,針對計畫、診斷、練習、學習、預習、育兒、答疑7大環節進行全面重構,實現了全場景、互動式、個人化的教學,從內容、興趣、習慣上培養孩子,讓學習有效率,更有效果。 基於文心大模型,小度學習機Z30正式發布,售價6699元

小度科技教育發展業務部總經理劉悅介紹小學習機器Z30 產品亮點




劉悅與小度使用者體驗小度學習機Z30 沉浸式教學


In the course learning process, interactive teaching can often improve children's concentration and initiative in learning. Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 upgrades the classroom to an AI teacher-student interactive class, allowing children to freely interact and ask questions anytime, anywhere during class, and the AI ​​teacher will answer questions at any time; in addition, children can practice the important knowledge points in each class in a timely manner, It also provides focused guidance and ideological guidance on learning weak points to achieve efficient learning, and can also output learning reports based on children's classroom performance. As a result, Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 comprehensively solves the problems of traditional learning machine courses such as boring one-way output, passive reception of knowledge, inability to answer questions, difficulty in unifying learning progress, and unknown learning status.

When conducting problem coaching exercises, also based on the empowerment of the Wenxin large model, the Xiaodu learning machine Z30 adopts the Socratic step-by-step enlightenment and guidance explanation mode. When a child encounters a question that cannot be answered, unlike traditional learning machines that directly provide the final answer, Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 will, like a real patient teacher, guide the child's thinking, teach the child to read and review the questions, and then proceed Explain step by step in an inspiring manner, so that children can learn how to solve problems on their own.


Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 step-by-step heuristic guided teaching

Children’s curiosity and desire for knowledge are the key to children’s creativity Initially, children’s “100,000 whys” are not only what parents want to encourage, but they are also often troublesome and difficult to deal with. Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 is based on the powerful ability of the Wenxin large model, which allows children to ask questions anytime and anywhere. The AI ​​teacher's encyclopedia questions and answers can fully answer and stimulate children's infinite thirst for knowledge. It can not only tell children "the reason why you look up at the bright moon is In order to express feelings towards the bright moon and express homesickness, it can also be explained that "the 'bed' with bright moonlight in front of the bed is not a bed in the modern sense. It may be a well platform, a well railing, a window, and an utensil for sitting and lying. It may also be a bed", thus comprehensively expanding the child's cognitive space and imagination, and supporting multiple rounds of dialogue and questioning to guide the child to further seek knowledge and exploration.

In addition, the "real-time diagnosis of the whole learning process" and "tailored learning plan" of Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 "AI Teacher" can accurately identify children's learning weaknesses and then provide children with It provides more targeted and accurate learning plans; and the 1V1 academic diagnosis and communication function of the exclusive AI family education instructor provides parents with an important assistant to assist in family education.

At the same time, Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 also continues the high-quality courses of previous products to meet various learning needs. It is not only exclusively equipped with Qingbei Teaching and Research Gaosi courses, but also equipped with a new generation of multi-mode precision learning, AI Thirty AI-assisted learning tools, including the interactive Chinese language system, help make learning and tutoring more comprehensive.

In addition, Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 also has Xiaodu Special Research’s second-generation paper screen, which has three patents of German Rheinland Eye Protection Triple Certification, circularly polarized light, and low blue light, making the screen light softer. Closer to natural light and better protect children's visual health.

Xiaodu continues to delve into the education track and leads the innovation of the learning machine industry

Since Xiaodu’s development in 2015, its self-branded devices have been connected to 46 million families, among which a huge number of users are families with children. one of the user groups. Xiaodu continues to delve into the education field and has in-depth cooperation with 12 authoritative publishing houses. With authoritative and rich content and leading advantages in AI technology, Xiaodu's learning machine has become the number one product in the industry market for two consecutive years.

According to Q1 2024 statistics, the cumulative number of Xiaodu Learning users exceeds 2 million, of which daily users account for as much as 50%. The average usage time of each of these users exceeds 100 minutes per day. With the development and iteration of large model technology, relying on the technical empowerment of Baidu Wenxin large models provides strong support for Xiaodu Learning Machine to define "AI teachers".

Currently, Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30 has been officially launched on Xiaodu official mall, Xiaodu JD.com self-operated flagship store and other e-commerce platforms, priced at 6,699 yuan.


Xiaodu Learning Machine Z30


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