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如何防止 Android 手機過熱

發布: 2024-06-18 13:44:47
1076 人瀏覽過

厭倦了你的 Android 手機變成一個暖手器?有許多常見的情況可能會導致智慧型手機過熱。值得慶幸的是,您還可以使用一些有效的策略來防止這種情況發生。

Android 手機過熱的原因

在我們討論如何防止 Android 手機過熱之前,首先了解一下導致 Android 手機過熱的原因很有用。

  • 將手機放在較熱的環境中:這是最容易被忽略的過熱原因。我個人對坐在公車上時將 Pixel 6a 放在前面的口袋裡感到內疚,因為陽光直射我的牛仔褲,使我的手機變暖。
  • 充電時使用手機:就像任何電子設備一樣,手機在使用時會產生熱量。這也適用於電池充電時產生的熱量,尤其是在使用快速充電器時。因此,如果您在充電時使用手機,則會產生雙倍的熱量,使其更加明顯。
  • 處理器過度工作:如果您運行某些對處理器造成壓力的遊戲或應用程序,它將需要使用更多的能量來提供所需/所需的性能水平。能量消耗的增加導致產生更多的熱量。
  • 網路覆蓋範圍較差:您的手機在網路接收較差的區域會更努力地嘗試保持蜂巢連線。這種額外的努力會導致電池消耗增加,從而導致過熱。
  • 將螢幕亮度設為最大:將手機保持在最大亮度並長時間打開螢幕會導致電池電量嚴重耗盡,並導致溫度明顯升高。
  • 讓大量應用程式在背景開啟或具有未最佳化的設定:如果您在背景中開啟大量應用程式或使某些功能永久運行的設置,則會給處理器帶來壓力並增加電池消耗,導致過熱。
  • 製造缺陷或設計缺陷:使用容易變熱的處理器製造的手機自然會導致設備過熱。此外,由於內部結構緊湊,手機越薄,往往會更熱(字面上和比喻上)。

如何防止您的 Android 手機過熱?

現在您已經知道導致 Android 手機過熱的原因,讓我們討論一下可以採取的步驟來防止這種情況發生。



這是發生在我身上的事。我的桌上有一台 PS5,我常常不自覺地將手機放在通風口旁。當我玩完《最終幻想 16》後拿起手機後,我總是很困惑為什麼我的手機變得這麼熱。後來,我意識到 PS5 發出的熱空氣正在加熱我的手機,所以我改變了習慣,開始將手機放在桌子的另一端。

How To Keep Your Android Phone From Overheating







But how can you know if an update will cause an issue if you don't update it? Well, if you use a smartphone from a popular brand like Samsung or Google, news outlets should cover buggy updates like this one here. Alternatively, you can join a subreddit like r/Pixel6aUsers and see if other people have any issues after updating their phones and make decisions accordingly.

Keep The Screen at Moderate Brightness

Personally, I turn on adaptive brightness on my phone, which automatically calibrates the screen brightness depending on the environment. However, some phones have a poor implementation of this auto-brightness feature where the screen either gets too bright or too dim, and that too, in unwanted situations. When this happens, I suggest disabling the auto-brightness and manually setting the brightness slider to a moderate level. This ensures the screen doesn't end up draining too much battery, which in turn helps to keep the phone cooler.

While on the subject of screens, if you use Always-On Display, it can and will increase battery drain and cause heating. I'd recommend disabling this if your phone is prone to overheating.

Stop Using The Phone While It's Charging

I know sometimes you just have to open that one app to do that one thing, but the battery is low, so you plug it in, and the phone heats up again. The best way to solve this issue is by developing a charging habit. Either charge your phone overnight, or when you take a shower, or while you're commuting in your car. Basically, charge it when you know you won't be using it.

How To Keep Your Android Phone From Overheating

Use an officially supported charger. Sometimes, the wrong charger can cause overheating issues and also damage the battery.

Turn on Airplane Mode In Areas of Poor Connectivity (as long as you're safe)

Enabling airplane mode will stop the phone from trying to connect to different network towers. It will also disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, reducing further stress on the battery and stop overheating.

However, safety takes precedence over a hot smartphone. If you're lost and need to make a phone call, then don't use airplane mode and prioritize getting a signal and calling for help.

Avoid Buying a Phone Known To Overheat

Some smartphones are inherently more likely to overheat. This can either be a fault of the manufacturer or a result of the processor it's using. For example, the Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1 was infamous for overheating, and all phones powered by it suffered from heating issues. That said, even with a good processor, if the manufacturer fails to properly optimize it with the rest of the hardware and software, that can also cause overheating.

This is why it's super important to research before buying a new smartphone. Don't limit yourself to just reading the spec sheet. Read or watch reviews and listen to what other users are saying about the smartphone before making the purchase.

An overheating smartphone isn't just uncomfortable to use, but it also damages the smartphone's battery. Thankfully, by implementing the discussed strategies, you can easily stop your device from overheating and potentially boost its lifespan.

以上是如何防止 Android 手機過熱的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
