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放棄網路鏡頭,我使用 Android 手機相機在視訊通話中看起來更好

發布: 2024-06-26 21:37:01
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Let's face it: a high-quality webcam can be pretty expensive. But luckily, with all the innovation and new technology coming out, you don't even need a webcam. You can connect your Android phone to your PC and use its camera for video calls.

How to Turn Your Android Phone Into a Webcam

There are two ways to turn your Android phone into a webcam. The best part is that neither method requires you to download any third-party applications.

The first method only requires a USB cable to use your phone as a webcam. You simply need to connect your Android phone to your computer using the USB cable, and when a pop-up appears asking what you want to do with your Android phone, select the "Webcam" option.

This article will focus on a method released by Microsoft that doesn't even require you to have a USB cable with you.

Why You Should Choose Your Android Phone to Look Better on Video Calls

These days, laptops with built-in webcams and even entry-level external webcams offer considerably better video quality than they did a few years ago. However, they're still basic webcams designed solely for video calls, not to make you look your best. This is where your smartphone camera can be a game-changer.

If you have a mid-range smartphone or, even better, a flagship phone, it likely has top-of-the-line cameras. Some smartphones, like the Samsung S24+, offer such exceptional cameras that they can be considered viable alternatives to DSLRs. Additionally, your smartphone camera may feature dedicated settings to enhance low-light performance, improved stabilization, and many other features.

Compared to smartphone cameras with all these features, built-in webcams or even external webcams don't offer much. Even the picture quality you get with your webcam isn't up to par with what you get on your Android smartphone. Apple offers a similar approach with its Continuity Camera feature, which allows you to use your iPhone as a webcam.

That's why, for video calls, it's often better to use your Android smartphone camera instead of your laptop's built-in camera or an external webcam.

Requirements for Using Your Android Phone Wirelessly as a Webcam

While you don't need to install any third-party applications, there are a few requirements you must fulfill to use your Android phone wirelessly as a webcam. First, you need to ensure that your smartphone is running on Android 9 or later. If your smartphone doesn't meet the Android version requirement, make sure to update it.

You must make sure that you have the Phone Link app version 1.24012 (or newer) installed on your computer. Usually, this app comes preinstalled on Windows 11. However, if you've uninstalled it for any reason, you can download it from the Microsoft Store. You should also download the Link to Windows app on your Android smartphone.

In addition to all these, you must have Cross Device Experience Host installed on your computer. This is the most important component that allows you to turn your Android phone into a webcam.

Using Your Android Phone Wirelessly as a Webcam

Once you meet all the requirements, you're all set to use your Android phone wirelessly as a webcam. To begin, open the Phone Link app on your Windows 11 computer and click the "Android" button.

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

The app will create a QR code that you'll need to scan using your Android phone.

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

Open the Link to Windows app on your Android phone and tap the "Sign in using the QR code on your PC" option. Then, scan the QR code to start the process.

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

Enter the code shown on the Phone Link app on your PC into the field provided in the Link to Windows app on your phone. Then, grant all the permissions requested by the Link to Windows app to complete the process.

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

使用 Phone Link 應用程式將電腦連接到 Android 智慧型手機後,開啟電腦上的「設定」選單。然後,從左側邊欄中選擇“藍牙和裝置”,然後選擇右側的“行動裝置”。

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls


Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls


Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

這就是您需要做的所有設定!現在,是時候測試您所做的更改了。開啟“開始”功能表,在搜尋列中輸入“相機”,然後按 Enter。在相機應用程式中,點擊右上角的更改相機圖示即可開始使用手機的相機。

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

您將清楚地看到內建網路攝影機和用作網路攝影機的 Android 手機之間的影像品質差異。

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

您的電腦上會出現一個小窗口,為您提供兩個選項:「切換到後/前」和「暫停」。您的 Android 手機上也會出現類似的視窗。這些視窗提供了一種方便的方式來控制您的相機。這裡需要注意的一件重要事情是,此視窗必須始終在 Android 智慧型手機上保持開啟狀態,才能將其相機用作網路攝影機。

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

您也可以設定視訊會議應用程式(例如 Zoom)以使用智慧型手機相機。要在 Zoom 中執行此操作,請開啟電腦上的 Zoom 應用程式並開始即時會議。然後,按一下「影片」選項旁邊的箭頭,然後從可用選項清單中選擇您的智慧型手機。同樣,您可以配置任何其他視訊會議應用程式(例如 Google Meet)以使用智慧型手機作為視訊來源。

Ditch the Webcam, I Use My Android Phone Camera to Look Better on Video Calls

這就是如何將您的 Android 手機無線變成網路攝影機。容易,對吧?

雖然使用 Android 手機作為網路攝影機可以提供更好的圖像質量,但您應該使用三腳架來提高視訊的穩定性。

以上是放棄網路鏡頭,我使用 Android 手機相機在視訊通話中看起來更好的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
