2024 年 7 月起影響你我生活的新規:禁止'大數據殺熟”、規範'自動續費”

發布: 2024-07-01 14:43:30
555 人瀏覽過

2024 年 7 月起影响你我生活的新规:禁止“大数据杀熟”、规范“自动续费”

This site reported on July 1 that starting from July 2024, a batch of new regulations will be implemented soon, including prohibiting "big data killing", regulating "automatic renewal", etc. This site summarizes it for everyone as follows:
Prohibiting "big data" The "Regulations on the Implementation of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" will come into effect on July 1, 2024.
The "Regulations" supplement the obligations of operators regarding the protection of the rights and interests of consumers of the elderly and minors;
Stipulate that operators shall not use technical means to force or covertly force consumers to purchase goods or receive services;
Operators adopt automatic extensions If services are provided by means of automatic renewal, automatic renewal, etc., the consumer’s attention shall be drawn to the consumer’s attention in a conspicuous manner before the consumer accepts the service and before the date of automatic extension, automatic renewal, etc.;
If goods or services are not provided as agreed, the consumer shall be Require the performance of the agreement or refund of the advance payment;
If the operator encounters major business risks that may affect the operator's normal provision of goods or services in accordance with the contract or trading practices, the operator shall stop collecting advance payments.
The newly revised "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" that improves the subscription registration system for limited liability companies will come into effect on July 1, 2024.
The newly revised "Company Law" has improved the subscription registration system for limited liability companies and clarified that the capital contribution amount subscribed by all shareholders must be paid in full by shareholders in accordance with the provisions of the company's articles of association within five years from the date of the company's establishment.
At the same time, for companies that have been registered and established before the implementation of the new "Company Law", if the capital contribution period exceeds the period stipulated in this law, unless otherwise provided by laws, administrative regulations or the State Council, it shall be gradually adjusted to within the period stipulated in this law; for capital contributions If the time limit or amount of capital contribution is obviously abnormal, the company registration authority may require it to make timely adjustments in accordance with the law.
Electronic Motor Vehicle Driving Permits The Ministry of Public Security has formulated and introduced 8 new measures to reform public security traffic control to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises, which will be implemented from July 1, 2024. Among them, the electronic driving licenses and door-to-door express delivery services will be piloted on July 1. Specifically include:
1. Pilot the electronicization of motor vehicle driving licenses. On the basis of fully realizing the electronicization of motor vehicle inspection marks and driver's licenses, the electronicization of motor vehicle driving licenses has been implemented on a pilot basis in 60 cities including Beijing and Tianjin.
2. Implement “one-passport” motorcycle registration.
8、推出「交管 12123」App 單位用戶版。
對紐西蘭、澳洲、波蘭試行免簽政策為進一步促進中外人員往來,中方決定擴大免簽國家範圍,對紐西蘭、澳洲、波蘭 3 個國家持普通護照人員試行免簽政策。
2024 年 7 月 1 日至 2025 年 12 月 31 日期間,上述國家持普通護照人員來華經商、旅遊觀光、探親訪友及過境不超過 15 天,可免簽入境。上述國家不符合免簽條件人員仍需在入境前辦妥來華簽證。
三部門調整車船稅優惠技術要求工業和資訊化部、財政部、稅務總局等三部門聯合發布《關於調整享受車船稅優惠的節能新能源汽車產品技術要求的公告》,調整享受車船稅優惠的節能、新能源汽車產品技術要求。公告自 2024 年 7 月 1 日起實施。
插電式(含增程式)混合動力乘用車純電動續駛里程應滿足有條件的等效全電里程不低於 43 公里。
純電動客車(不含快充類純電動客車)續航里程不低於 200 公里。
插電式混合動力(含增程式)客車純電續駛里程不低於 50 公里。
純電動貨車續駛里程不低於 80 公里。
插電式混合動力貨車(含增程式)純電續駛里程不低於 50 公里。
在燃料電池商用車方面,純氫續駛里程不低於 300 公里。
拓寬固定資產貸款和流動資金貨款的用途及貸款對象範圍國家金融監管總局修訂發布了《固定資產貸款管理辦法》《流動資金貸款管理辦法》《個人貸款管理辦法》,自2024 年7 月1 日起施行。修訂的重點內容包括:
排放工業固廢、噪音等污染物需「持證」生態環境部修訂發布《排污許可管理辦法》,自 2024 年 7 月 1 日起施行。 《管理辦法》突顯排污單位全覆蓋、環境管理要素全覆蓋、污染物排放管理全覆蓋,明確對排污單位的大氣污染物、水污染物、工業固體廢棄物、工業噪音等污染物排放行為實施綜合許可管理。
一個黨政機關最多開設一個入口網站中央網路安全和資訊化委員會辦公室等四部門制定印發《互聯網政務應用安全管理規定》,自 2024 年 7 月 1 日起施行。
加強公募基金證券交易費用管理證監會制定發布《公開募集證券投資基金證券交易費用管理規定》,自 2024 年 7 月 1 日起正式實施。 《規定》共十九條,​​主要內容有四個面向:

以上是2024 年 7 月起影響你我生活的新規:禁止'大數據殺熟”、規範'自動續費”的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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