華為 Mate X5 開啟夏日禮遇!入手全能折疊屏旗艦最佳時機!

發布: 2024-07-10 17:01:13
678 人瀏覽過

炎炎夏日,少不了遊山玩水。然而,這樣的戶外活動對手機的影像表現、可靠性以及其他功能提出了更高的要求。如果此時你正有換手機的打算,那麼一定要來看看全能折疊屏旗艦華為 Mate X5。正值華為Mate X5 限時夏日禮遇活動,旗艦購機可享以下福利:

第一:目前Mate X5 正在進行夏日禮遇限時優惠活動,6 月28 日至8 月31 日期間購買Mate X5 12GB +256GB、12GB+512GB 就能享1500 元優惠,非常划算,早買早享受!

第二:7 月 31 日前購買,還可以享受最高 12 期分期免息的優惠!

第三:7 月 31 日前購買 HUAWEI Mate X5 的新機用戶,活動期間均可到華為授權服務中心,驗機檢測通過後贈送價值 999 元的 HUAWEI Care+(一年期)權益!

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

華為 Mate X5 的產品力優勢,簡單總結,就是「全能」二字,這種全能體現在設計、影像、系統互動、螢幕、可靠性等方方面面。而且,這種「全能」體驗也是過往折疊螢幕產品所一直缺少的。也正如此,華為 Mate X5 一發布便備受業界與消費者的追捧。

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

就例如可靠性方面。受限於結構設計,過往大部分的折疊屏產品是既不防水也不防摔,消費者花費高昂的價格買回到的折疊屏產品,只能小心翼翼的去使用,用起來自然也是格外不舒坦。而在華為強大的技術實力加持下,華為 Mate X5 典藏版搭載了全新玄武鋼化崑崙玻璃外屏和抗衝擊非牛頓流體內屏。玄武鋼化崑崙玻璃由第二代崑崙玻璃加以玄武鋼化技術打造而成,外屏的​​抗刮擦能力提升 300%,整機耐摔能力提高 100%,硬度達到莫氏 7 級。

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

有瞭如此可靠的外屏,自然就不用擔心手機的意外跌落了,乃至是鑰匙剪刀,還是口紅粉餅盒,也都不會對外屏造成損傷。華為Mate X5 全系搭載的抗衝擊柔性內屏,採用複合疊層結構,並融入抗衝擊非牛頓流體材料,透過華為自研材料配方,讓該材料在慢速彎折時呈現柔軟的狀態,在快速衝擊時瞬間變成堅硬的材質,擁有「遇強則強、遇弱則弱」的抗衝擊效果。

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

華為 Mate X5 帶來了 IPX8 級抗水能力,更有全新濕手觸控加持。想像一下,外出遊玩時,手機不小心掉落地上,又或者偶遇大雨,華為 Mate X5 都能輕鬆應對,折疊屏產品如此強大的可靠性,讓你用的舒心也放心。

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

此外,在螢幕顯示上。華為臨境顯示技術,讓華為 Mate X5 內外螢幕一致清晰顯示,德國萊茵 TÜV 專業色準雙認證,內外雙螢幕也支援螢幕防反光技術,在強光源下也能清晰顯示。夏日戶外出行,不用擔心螢幕反射看不清,在各種環境下都能讓你暢刷手機。

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

華為 Mate X5 的全能體驗,也體現在通訊方面。首先是靈犀通訊技術方案,透過靈犀天線、靈犀 AI 演算法和靈犀網路充分挖掘通訊訊號的潛在能力,並透過裝置性能和佈局的優化,使通訊能力全面提升,隨時保障用戶擁有優質的通訊體驗。有了靈犀通信,華為 Mate X5 用戶即便是在飛馳的高鐵、地下車庫這些弱信號場景下,又或者是踏青郊遊、荒郊野外,都能實現更穩定的網絡連接,保障流暢的網絡體驗。即便是失去地面訊號,華為 Mate X5 還有雙向北鬥衛星訊息功能,在失去網路訊號的情況下,仍與外界保持聯繫,避免失聯。遠海航行,又或者是戶外探遊、自駕遠遊,借助華為 Mate X5,就可實現發送方與接收方的雙向聯絡,多一份通信能力,就多了一份安全保障。

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

Summer travel is indispensable for walking around and taking photos, but there are always some heart-warming moments that will be "fleeting", and the "Wind Speed ​​Photo" technology equipped with Huawei Mate X5 will make your photos more beautiful. No regrets - starting from starting the camera, focusing, shuttering, reviewing previews, and generating photos, the entire process has been greatly accelerated, making capturing photos always one step faster. Huawei Mate

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

In addition, Huawei Mate The zoom magnification supports 50x digital zoom, achieving full-time ultra-clear shooting at all focal lengths; the new pet shooting algorithm achieves shooting effects comparable to professional pet portraits; the unique "hover shooting" mode further enriches the fun and enjoyment of taking photos. Creativity etc.

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

Finally, in terms of product design, Huawei Mate X5 adopts a four-curve folding body design. After unfolding, it becomes a small tablet. Carrying Huawei Mate mobile phone, but also has the experience of a tablet; there are five colors including Phantom Purple and Green Mountain Dai made of plain leather and Feather Gold, Feather Black and Feather White made of feather sand glass, with the "Universal Star Gate" lens model The group presents the feeling of "square and round, balanced and inclusive", restrained, profound and uniquely identifiable.

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

Based on the HarmonyOS system, Huawei Mate X5 also brings many smart experiences that no one else has. For example, it supports air-to-air handheld operation of internal and external screens. When it is inconvenient to use your hands, you can operate it through simple gesture commands, easily freeing your hands, which is very convenient when eating or taking care of children; the smart split-screen function, in office scenes, it It provides efficient tools such as file transfer station, cross-screen drag and drop, and multi-screen collaboration, which greatly improves work efficiency and makes work more convenient.

华为 Mate X5 开启夏日礼遇!入手全能折叠屏旗舰最佳时机!

Written at the end

As an all-round foldable model, Huawei Mate X5 is a difficult choice to refuse. At this moment, the summer promotion event has officially started, and it is the right time to buy Huawei Mate X5!

以上是華為 Mate X5 開啟夏日禮遇!入手全能折疊屏旗艦最佳時機!的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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