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用舊 Android 手機做的 13 件事

發布: 2024-07-12 14:19:25
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如果您家裡有一兩部舊 Android 手機,積滿灰塵,那麼這篇文章適合您。手機是多功能設備,幾乎可以做任何事情,因此當舊手機可以發揮作用時,無需購買專門的小工具。

1 將其重新用作儲存裝置

使用手機最通用的方法之一是作為儲存裝置取代外部硬碟。當然,USB 記憶棒體積小且價格便宜,外部 SSD 可以達到極快的傳輸速度,但購買它們也需要花錢,而您已經擁有一部舊手機。另外,它們通常不支援藍牙或 Wi-Fi 進行無線傳輸,也不支援螢幕和揚聲器來顯示和播放您儲存的媒體。

你可能不會從 16GB 手機中獲得很多里程,但即使是 32GB 手機也可以存儲 26,786 張 12MP 照片、10,417 首每首 3MB 的歌曲或 168 分鐘的 1080p 視頻。由於作業系統佔用了幾千兆位元組,因此實際數字會略低,但這些數字仍然是可觀的。更不用說許多舊的 Android 手機都有 SD 卡插槽,讓您可以大幅擴展儲存空間。

2 作為迷你智慧音箱使用

支援 Google Assistant 的舊 Android 手機就是完美的智慧家庭音箱;在某種程度上,它甚至更好,因為您可以拔掉插頭使用它。您只需啟用 Google 助理的所有免持功能,這樣即使手機鎖定時也可以使用它,一切都完成了。


3 送給您的孩子

如果您因為手機是昂貴的商品或出於育兒原因而不想給孩子買手機,我聽到您的聲音。值得慶幸的是,除了在自己的三星手機上啟用兒童模式之外,Android 手機還為您提供了多種管理設備的方法。


4 將其用作電視遙控器和串流媒體設備

許多舊的Android 手機都有紅外線發射器,這意味著您可以將它們用作帶有紅外線感測器的設備(如電視)的傳統遙控器。如果您的舊手機沒有,您仍然可以將其連接到智慧型電視並使用螢幕鏡像觀看電視節目。


5 將其用作迷你汽車多媒體和行車記錄儀

我非常贊成在舊車上改裝觸摸屏,以獲得 Android Auto、Google 地圖和 Spotify 等現代功能。然而,如果您不想花錢購買汽車音響並花費幾個小時來弄清楚接線,只需將舊手機連接到音響即可。這款手機可以兼作行車記錄儀,因此,如果將其插入電源,它可以充當您的汽車的永久多媒體解決方案,而不依賴您的主手機。

6 將其綁在自行車上

13 Things to Do With an Old Android Phone

如果您想在自行車上體驗 Android Auto,只需使用您的舊 Android 手機即可。這樣,您就不會在發生事故時損壞您的主手機,並且持續的振動也不會破壞相機的光學影像穩定 (OIS)。

7 把它留在廚房裡

將廚房平板電腦或手機永久放在櫃檯上方的手機支架上,是查找和遵循食譜或只是觀看 YouTube 的最佳方式。只需將螢幕超時設定為 30 分鐘,然後建立一個專門用於您最喜歡的烹飪應用程式和網站的主螢幕。您將始終擁有一台隨時可用的設備,而且最好的一點是,您甚至不會在意番茄醬是否沾滿螢幕。

8 Use It as a PC Webcam

13 Things to Do With an Old Android Phone

Cheap webcams suck. What's worse is that the drivers with some cameras (like mine) are a nightmare to install. Since even old smartphones have pretty good cameras, they can make for a solid webcam. Just grab a simple monitor phone mount and use a spare USB port to charge the phone.

There's actually a native webcam option in the latest Pixel and Motorola phones; a universal wireless webcam solution is also present in Windows 11. You can also try some third-party solutions.

9 Turn It Into a Security Camera or Baby Monitor

Your old phone already has everything that you need in a security camera—a solid camera, microphone, Wi-Fi, and storage. Smart security cameras are expensive and arguably more prone to hacking than smartphones, though you shouldn't fully trust a phone running an outdated version of Android, either, so exercise caution. Follow our guide to turn your old phone into a security camera.

10 Use It as a Cheap Handheld

13 Things to Do With an Old Android Phone

If you don't want to spend money on a dedicated handheld, an old phone can do the trick. Granted, there's a strong argument in favor of using your main phone as a handheld, but the old phone can be more convenient if you want to attach a game controller permanently to the phone. Your old phone is probably smaller, so it's more portable, and you can be more careless with it when you travel.

Offloading a couple of games and emulators to the old phone also saves on storage. Not playing games on your main phone also means a longer battery life and no annoying notifications.

11 Use It as a PC Media or DAW Controller

The Unified Remote app allows you to control your PC from your phone. One useful function is that you can use the phone as a general media remote. It essentially gives you media keys if you don't have dedicated media keys on your keyboard. There used to be a more advanced app called PCVolumeControl, but the project seems to have been abandoned.

If you're a music producer, you can leave an old phone permanently on a phone holder to use it as a DAW controller. The touch screen makes for a perfect DAW control surface, as demonstrated in the following video:

12 Transform It Into a Picture Frame or Calendar

Extremely slow Android phones and tablets are the perfect digital photo frame. If your old phone is so old and laggy that you can't use it for anything functional, you can at least use it as a decorative piece because it doesn't demand any advanced processing. Place it on a stand, plug it in to charge, and turn on a photo gallery app that supports slideshows (either from the cloud or device storage), such as Fotoo.

13 Sell It

It doesn't matter how old or broken your old Android phone is; it must have some monetary value. Just snap a few photos and describe its condition on online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace and eBay, and you're good to go.

Check similar listings to see the market value to determine if it's even worth your time, as you'll have to spend a few minutes on answering messages and shipping the phone. If it's just $5 or $10, it's probably not worth it. I have several friends and family members who never sell their old phones. They keep them as backup devices, missing out on the opportunity to make a couple of hundred bucks.

以上是用舊 Android 手機做的 13 件事的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
