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LD Capital: 探析 dappOS,意圖中心基建的蓬勃發展

發布: 2024-07-12 15:11:15
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自Paradigm 在2023 年6月1日發布的《 Intent-Based Architectures and Their Risks 解釋》後,Intent-Based Architectures and Their Risks 解釋了概念以意圖為中心」(Intent-Centric)便成為Web3的重要概念與發展方向。


在Paradigm 的定義中,「意圖是一套經過簽名的聲明性約束,它允許用戶將交易創建給第三方外包,但不放棄對交易方的完全控制」。簡單來講,意圖是以目標為結果導向,弱化或忽略實現過程,例如我想要D,並願意付出A為成本,而不需要進行A-B-C-D的過程操作,中間環節外包給第三方。抽象來講,以意圖為中心的是聲明式範式,而Web3在先前的交易或操作大多是命令式範式。


電腦的早期發展,是從命令式範式的時代開始的,這需要使用者透過命令列來進行互動與操作,對電腦的使用提出了很高的專業要求,限制了大規模應用和科技的發展。然而,隨著Windows 95的發布,圖形使用者介面與瀏覽器被引入到電腦作業系統,大大降低了用戶門檻,將電腦的用戶從不足5萬發展至數以億記。這一變革時刻被稱為互聯網的“1995時刻”,它標誌著用戶界面的根本變革,使得普通人也能輕鬆接入和使用互聯網。













2、dappOS底層機制:樂觀最小化質押OMS(Optimistic Minimum Stake)

在網絡底層機制方面,dappOS引入了樂觀最小質押OMS(Optimistic Minimum Staking),OMS要求每項任務都與預定義的價值和失敗時的潛在補償相關聯,允許在驗證結果之前執行任務。如果任務失敗,網路透過共識過程對責任服務提供者進行懲罰,確保要么用戶提交的任務執行成功,要么用戶得到預先規定的補償,這顯著提高了網路的效率和通用性。

The OMS of dappOS and the AVS of EigenLayer have certain similarities in technical structure. The Service provider of dappOS is similar to the Operator in Eigenlayer. The main difference is that Eigenlayer mainly focuses on general scenarios, such as DA, oracles, ZK processors, etc.; dappOS is more oriented to intent-centered task-related scenarios, which stipulates that each intent has a certain liquidation value, so that as long as the stake exceeds the liquidation The value system is safe and efficient.

3. Application scenarios of dappOS

Currently, dappOS already has many application scenarios, for example:

(1) Unified account

dappOS has a unified account that is compatible with the intent execution network. Similar to a centralized exchange, the assets there can be used in any dApp on the integrated chain, and fees can be paid using most mainstream tokens, that is, when the user's assets are distributed across various blockchains, the user still Simultaneous control of accounts on different chains can be achieved through signing.

At the same time, the dappOS unified account implements flexible external interaction methods. Any application that an externally owned account (EOA) can interact with can also interact through the unified account using a highly scalable execution interface and custom service logic.

(2) Intent Assets

The intent assets launched by dappOS will enable the seamless use of different forms of assets in different scenarios. For example, dappOS will issue intentUSD as the intended asset of the US dollar stable currency. It can be used as USDT when the user needs to use USDT, and as USDC when the user needs USDC, and automatically earns income when it is idle in the account. This type of asset solves the biggest scenario problem of stablecoins and LSD assets, and eliminates the need for new users to understand the difference between USDC/USDT and other homogeneous assets. To put it simply, the intended asset of dappOS can become " Yu'e Bao". It handles the complex details behind it through the intent execution network of dappOS, which will further improve the efficiency of using digital assets and lower the threshold for use.

(3) Real-time dApp contract interaction

The intent execution network of dappOS provides an excellent execution framework for real-time interaction with dApps. The framework allows users to seamlessly transition from an initial state to a final state with a simple signature. The traditional implementation process of many intentions will include many on-chain operations such as cross-chain, asset conversion, and authorization contracts. These operations are essentially means rather than the user's purpose; and dappOS's real-time interactive execution framework allows users to not need to care about these intermediate operations. Operation, a single signature can directly achieve its purpose, thus optimizing the user experience.

In addition, through the design of mechanisms such as OMS, the real-time dapp interaction provided by dappOS can also ensure that during the entire process, all operations comply with the decentralization and security standards of the blockchain, while also ensuring the efficiency and low cost of operations. cost. This method of simplifying complex blockchain operations based on user intentions not only greatly improves user convenience, but also promotes the application and development of broader blockchain technology.

3. Advantages of dappOS

(1) Innovative underlying mechanism design

As the infrastructure of the intent track, the underlying mechanism OMS of dappOS is specially designed for intent scenarios. This mechanism ensures user security At the same time, it greatly improves the execution efficiency of intended tasks. It can be said that the importance of dappOS's OMS to the intention track is equivalent to the importance of Eigenlayer's AVS to the restaking track. Such an underlying mechanism enables dappOS to occupy the core ecological position of the intended track infrastructure.

(2) Rich application scenarios and first-mover advantages

dappOS’s intent execution network currently has many application scenarios, including unified accounts, intent assets, real-time dApp interaction, etc., which is still in the period of explosive potential The intention is rare in the track. Compared with many other infrastructure projects that are still in the concept and development stage, these application scenarios allow dappOS to cooperate with many current Web3 projects, expand its ecological network, iterate, and form a first-mover advantage. Become the leader in track infrastructure.

3. dappOS ecological development

Since the second half of 2023, the dappOS ecosystem has begun to accelerate development. Since intent-centric interactions are easier for users to use, integrating dappos intent infrastructure can often bring considerable growth to projects. Therefore, many leading projects and emerging projects have cooperated with dappOS, such as Manta, GMX, BENQI, KiloEx, etc.

For example, after KiloEx integrated dappOS on April 16, 2024, the transaction volume increased by 217% and DAU increased by 3000% within a week.

4. Financing information

dappOS has an excellent financing lineup, and has received support from first-tier investment institutions including Polychain, Binance Labs, Sequoia, IDG, Hashkey, etc. Polychain, the lead investor in Series A, has performed strongly in this cycle, investing in re-pledge leader EigenLayer and modular leader Celestia. Dappos is a project aimed at track layout.

5. Conclusion

With the development of blockchain underlying technology and the gradual maturity of various projects, future development will transition from infrastructure-based to application and user-friendly , intention-centered projects will become the focus of the development of the entire industry. dappOS has solid underlying technology, the current round of excellent investment institutions Polychain, Binance Labs and other resource support, and the ever-expanding head projects (such as GMX) have joined the ecosystem. In the future, Dappos may become the next leader in the track. Start the introduction of large-scale applications and traffic.

以上是LD Capital: 探析 dappOS,意圖中心基建的蓬勃發展的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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