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想知道英雄聯盟 8 月 17 日更新了什麼內容嗎? 8 月 17 日,英雄聯盟迎來了更新,為玩家帶來了令人興奮的新變化!迫不及待想了解詳情?那就趕緊跟著 php小編子墨,深入了解更新內容的各個層面。本文將詳細介紹此次更新中引入的全部新增功能和改進,讓您不會錯過任何精彩內容!



LOL將在8月17日凌晨1點開始全區停機維護(請注意:8月17日0點將關閉排位賽入口,不會影響正在進行中的排位賽)發布13.16版本,預計停機時間為1:00-12:00 。對於在停機期間結束的活動,其實際結束時間也將提前至停機維護開始​​時,請留意。











離群之刺 阿卡莉



阿卡麗在多個水平的對局中都表現得不是很好,因此是時候從她的忍者工具包中掏出一些更鋒利且更致命的武器了。 《英雄聯盟》團隊在這個版本的目標是讓阿卡麗在對線期的能量消耗沒那麼難以負擔,並且讓她的換血更有力度,來讓她的對手們不敢輕易和這位女忍換血。先相信!


Q - 我流奧義!寒影

能量消耗:130/115/100/85/70 → 110/100/90/80/70

傷害:40/65/90/115/140 (+65%攻擊力) (+60%法術強度) → 45/70/95/120/145 (+65%攻擊力) (+60%法術強度)

復仇焰魂 布蘭德


被動的法力回復提升。 Q法術強度收益提升。 E法術強度收益提升。

與流行的看法相反的是,布蘭德在單排中並沒有火力全開,尤其是在中路。雖然許多玩家選擇讓布蘭德作為輔助,但《英雄聯盟》團隊也想確保他依然是個可行的中單人人選。為此,《英雄聯盟》團隊提升了他被動的法力恢復量,來幫助他在中路更好地續航他的法力值。 《英雄聯盟》團隊也提升了他的Q和E的法強收益,來更好地發揮布蘭德輸出傷害這一主要強項,並且沒有提升他的W和R的已經很合理的傷害數值。


被動 - 熾熱之焰

法力回覆:20-40 (基於等級) → 30-50 (基於等級)


Q - 火焰烙印

魔法傷害:80/110/140/170/200 (+55%法術強度) → 80/110/140/170/200 (+65%法術強度)


E - 烈火燃燒

魔法傷害:70/95/120/145/170 (+45%法術強度) → 70/95/120/145/170 (+50%法術強度)

皮城女警 凱特琳



凱特琳處於受傷狀態已經有一段時間了,並且來自上個版本的增強並沒有將她加強到《英雄聯盟》團隊想讓她達到的位置。 《英雄聯盟》團隊依然想讓她注重普攻和爆擊,但目前為止打算提升爆頭傷害這個單項。所以,《英雄聯盟》團隊給了她更多的爆頭次數!


每次爆頭所需攻擊次數:6 → 5

時間刺客 艾克


Q初始基礎傷害提升,前幾級減速提升。 W基礎護盾值提升。



Q - 時間捲曲器

初始魔法傷害:60/75/90/105/120 (+30%法術強度) → 70/85/100/115/130 (+30%法術強度)

減速:32/39/46/53/60% → 40/45/50/55/60%


W - 時光交錯

護盾值:70/90/110/130/150 (+150%法術強度) → 100/120/140/160/180 (+150%法術強度)

天啟者 卡爾瑪


Q法術強度收益提升,RQ法術強度收益提升。 R冷卻時間縮短。



Q - 心靈烈焰

魔法傷害:70/120/170/220/270 (+40%法術強度) → 70/120/170/220/270 (+50%法術強度)

終極技能強化Q:35/140/245/350 (+60%法術強度) → 35/140/245/350 (+70%法術強度)


R - 梵咒

冷卻時間:40/38/36/34秒 → 40/37/34/31秒

聖槍遊俠 盧錫安



盧錫安是一個令人興奮且受粉絲喜愛的英雄,但不幸的是他目前表現不佳。 《英雄聯盟》團隊提升了他被動的基礎傷害,來鞏固他的「線霸」這個角色,同時應該會依然讓他遠離單人路。


被動 - 聖光銀彈

附帶的額外魔法傷害:10 (+15%攻擊力) → 15 (+15%攻擊力)

仙靈女巫 璐璐


成長生命值提升。 Q法術強度收益提升。 E法術強度收益提升。

自從13.12版本中她急需的偏向職業賽場的削弱後,璐璐在重新立足時遇到了一些困難。雖然《英雄聯盟》團隊在猶豫是否要給她強度來讓她在配合默契的比賽中變得更強,但確實希望給回她一些強度,不過是要以一種對單排玩家們有利的方式。 《英雄聯盟》團隊期望一些法強收益能夠發揮作用,因為它們能夠給她更多一些進攻強度,但僅在她能賺到金幣時才能購買到這份強度。


成長生命值:88 → 92


Q - 閃耀長槍

魔法傷害:70/105/140/175/210 (+40%法術強度) → 70/105/140/175/210 (+50%法術強度)


E - 幫忙,皮克斯!

護盾值:80/120/160/200/240 (+40%法術強度) → 75/115/155/195/235 (+55%法術強度)

虛空先知 瑪爾扎哈





E - 煞星幻象

每段傷害間隔:0.5秒 → 0.25秒

小兵處決閾值:15-45生命值 (基於等級) → 10-30生命值 (基於等級)

明燭 米利歐


Q傷害提升。 E基礎護盾值提升。



Q - 火爆飛踢

魔法傷害:90/135/180/225/270 (+90%法術強度) → 80/140/200/260/320 (+120%法術強度)


E - 融融情誼

護盾值:60/80/100/120/140 (+25%法術強度) → 60/85/110/135/160 (+30%法術強度)

百裂冥犬 納亞菲利  





基礎護甲:32 → 30

基礎攻擊力:57 → 55

基礎攻擊速度:0.688 → 0.663

狂野女獵人 奈德麗  



在這個版本中,《英雄聯盟》團隊希望為物理流奈德麗的美洲獅形態提供一些幫助,讓她的揮擊能帶來一些力道。 《英雄聯盟》團隊並不打算對物理流奈德麗做出重大改動,只是給她多一點支持。


E - 揮擊

傷害:80/140/200/260 (+45%法術強度) → 80/140/200/260 (+40%額外攻擊力) (+45%法術強度)

虛空遁地獸 雷克塞  






Q - 女王之怒

額外物理傷害:21/27/33/39/45 (+50%額外攻擊力) → 34/38/42/46/50%總攻擊力

惡魔小丑 薩科  


基礎法力回復降低。 W法力消耗提升。



基礎法力回覆:7.15 → 6


W - 驚嚇魔盒

法力消耗:50/55/60/65/70 → 全等級70

龍血武姬 希瓦娜



希瓦娜在13.14版本獲得了大量強度,雖然她在13.15版本中被削弱了,她的法強流出裝和之前差不多了,但她的攻擊力出裝已經起飛了。 《英雄聯盟》團隊想確保攻擊力作為她的最佳出裝,但它的表現太優秀了。這個版本,《英雄聯盟》團隊削弱了她最不看玩家等級的部分,因為這個部分只有在她與敵人比拼屬性時才能發揮成效。


W - 烈火燎原

每秒傷害:20/32/45/57/70 (+30%額外攻擊力) → 20/30/40/50/60 (+20%額外攻擊力)

附帶傷害:5/8/11.25/14.25/17.5 (+7.5%額外攻擊力) → 5/7/9/11/13 (+5%額外攻擊力)

解脫者 塞拉斯  



塞拉斯目前難以在中路獲得成功。這很大一部分是由於他作為近戰英雄有著艱難的對線期,必須將自身置於危險中才能打錢和換血,導致他無法平穩過渡到他能穩定發育的中後期。 《英雄聯盟》團隊在這個版本給了他一些法力值提升,這是中單位塞拉斯高度重視的。


基礎法力值:310 → 400


傳說從未有英雄擊敗過這傢伙。它什麼也不怕。除了BUG。 BUG會嚇到它。

Target Dummy has recently thrown its Teemo hat into the Soul Fighting Arena, but so far, its performance has been... less than stellar. In this version, the "League of Legends" team hopes to eliminate the sluggishness of the target dummy by increasing its movement speed and fix some bugs that prevent it from being the most tanky unit. Plus, you can better test movement speed effects and high damage skills or other stuff.

Basic attributes

Movement Speed: 0 → 370 (Note: This should be the largest movement speed increase ever in League of Legends.)

Minimum health: 100 → 1 (Note: Life is even more extreme.)


Hit me with all your strength. Instead of 900, the maximum damage the target dummy can take in a single hit is now the dummy's maximum health minus 1.

Merlin Gunner Tristana


Basic armor and growth armor are increased, and basic health and magic resistance are reduced.

Tristana has been dominating the mid lane of professional play as of late, as she is both a difficult lane bully and a solid late-game crit shooter. The League of Legends team expects her to be largely unaffected by these changes in the bot lane, where physical damage is more prevalent but will be weaker against mages who can fight back.

Basic attributes

Base Armor: 26 → 30

Growth Armor: 4.2 → 4.5

Base magic resistance: 30 → 28

Base health: 670 → 640

Monkey King Monkey King


Growth mana recovery increased. Q mana cost reduced. W mana cost reduced.

Sun Wukong is a highly competitive jungle hero in the professional arena this season, but he has performed poorly in the solo queue. In order to add strength back to his kit without increasing the risk in professional play (his play rate was very low in the first 2 patches), the League of Legends team reduced the mana cost of several of his abilities to increase his The frequency of trades, which should help him significantly more in the top unit than in the jungle position.

Basic attributes

Growth mana regeneration: 0.65 → 0.8


Q - Crushing Blow

Mana cost: 40 → 20


W - True and False Monkey King

Mana cost: 80/70/60/50/40 → 60/55/50/45/40

4. Equipment

Axiomatic arc


The updates were still not enough to get this new piece of equipment noticed by users, so the "League of Legends" team took some risks and enhanced the cooldown refund of its ultimate ability, hoping to help it find its footing in the Rift. place. The League of Legends team will be watching this change closely to ensure it develops as the League of Legends team hopes, but will make more changes if necessary.

Ultimate skill cooldown return: 5% (+40% armor penetration) → 10% (+40% armor penetration)

Duskblade of Draxa


It's often seen in the hands of warrior heroes, which is something the League of Legends team wants to curb in this patch, but it's also a bit too strong in the hands of most assassins. The short cooldown of its active effect is a big reason why Warriors like this item, so the League of Legends team chose to significantly increase the cooldown to prevent them from getting it in their hands, while reducing the missing health damage to reduce it. The overall strength of the equipment (the "League of Legends" team will compensate assassins in this patch by increasing the armor-piercing legendary items).

Cooling time: 10 seconds → 30 seconds

Missed health damage: 20% → 18%

Darkwalker’s Claw


The current cooldown is a little too long for most users willing to bring it, so the League of Legends team has lowered the cooldown to help make it more accessible for these heroes, and also slightly improved The damage it can provide makes it more worth buying.

Cooling time: 10 seconds → 5 seconds

Damage: 85 (Melee)/65 (Ranged) (+45 (Melee)/30 (Ranged) % Bonus Attack Damage) → 85 (Melee)/65 (Ranged) (55 (Melee) /35 (Ranged) % Bonus Attack Power)

Snake Fang


As far as its assassin users are concerned, it is at a reasonable strength level, but it is still a niche item, so the "League of Legends" team hopes to give it some more general strength to help it get rid of the "only in confrontation" "Buy when shielding" positioning. A small armor penetration buff should make this item more popular with assassins looking to break shields.

Armor penetration: 12 → 15


wasn't quite as powerful as it needed to be, often disappointing the heroes who were naturally suited to it (namely Pyke). A small armor-piercing buff should make it a little more dangerous in the hands of its users.

Armor penetration: 10 → 13

5. Soul Fighting Arena Balance adjustment

After downgrading a large number of powerful competitors in the last version, this version of the "League of Legends" team is more focused on providing some help to those heroes who have not yet found success in the game. The "League of Legends" team is still dealing with some nerfs to some of the most powerful heroes, power-up runes, and equipment, focusing solely on giving the weaker heroes more power to compete.

Fighting Soul Arena Hero Enhancement


●Attack power rate of passive damage: +60% extra attack power → +70% extra attack power

●Passive damage spell power yield: +55% spell power → +65% spell power

●W energy recovery: 100 → 150

●BUG FIX: Fixed a BUG that caused Akali to not correctly receive the +100 energy from the Arena of Souls buff.


●Q skill haste: 0 → 25

●Q base damage: 80/140/200/260/320 → 100/160/220/280/340

●E basic damage: 22/34/46/58/70 → 32/44/56/68/80

●E deceleration: 30/35/40/45/50 → 40/45/50/55/60

●R skill haste: 0 → 30

●R damage to hero: 300/475/650 → 400/575/750

●R health value per layer: 80/120/160 → 100/150/200

Time Assassin Ike

●Passive resonance damage: 30-140 (based on level) (+90% spell power) → 33-154 (based on level) (+90% spell power) (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●Q first hit damage: 60/75/90/105/120 → 70/85/100/115/130

●Q second hit damage: 40/65/90/115/140 → 50/75/100/125/150

●W passive damage: 3% (+3% per 100 ability power) → 4% (+3% per 100 ability power)


●Q base damage: 25/30/35/40/45 (+30% spell power) → 35/40/45/50/55 (+30% spell power) (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●Q extra magic damage: 15/25/35/45/55 (+25% spell power) → 25/35/45/55/65 (+30% spell power) (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●W skill haste: 0 → 20

●E base damage: 55/70/85/100/115 (+3% (+1.5% per 100 spell power) target’s maximum health) → 5% target’s maximum health

●E enhanced magic damage: 75/100/125/150/175 (+4% (+2.5% per 100 spell power) of the target’s maximum health) → 7% of the target’s maximum health


●Q damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+130% attack power) (+15% spell power) → 30/60/90/110/135 (+135% attack power) (+17% spell power)

●E skill haste: 0 → 15

●E damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+50% extra attack power) (+75% magic power) → 90/140/190/240/290 (+50% additional attack power) (+80% spell power) (Note: The changes have taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●R damage: 350/500/650 (+100% additional attack power) (+90% magic power) → 390/540/690 (+100% additional attack power) (+95% spell power)


●Q damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+90% additional attack power) → 70/95/120/145/170 (+90% additional attack power)

●W healing effect: 25% (+2% per 100 bonus attack power) of damage done to enemies → 35% (+3% per 100 bonus attack power) damage done to enemies

●E minimum damage: 30/45/60/75/90 (+50% extra attack power) → 50/65/80/95/110 (+60% extra attack power)

●E maximum damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+100% extra attack power) → 100/130/160/190/220 (+120% extra attack power)


●Q damage: 65/90/115/140/165 (+ 40% spell power) → 75/100/125/150/175 (+ 40% spell power) (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●(Note: The total damage caused by consuming the mark is now 150/200/250/300/350 (+80% spell power).)

●W skill haste: 0 → 15

●W damage: 75/115/155/195/235 (+60% spell power) → 75/115/155/195/235 (+70% spell power)

●R skill haste: 0 → 15

●RQ damage: 70/140/210 (+40% spell power) → 90/160/230 (+50% spell power)

●RE damage: 70/140/210 (+40% spell power) → 90/160/230 (+50% spell power)

Li Qing

●Q skill haste: 0 → 30

●W Life Steal & Spell Lifesteal: 5-27% → 15-35%

●W shield value: 50-250 → 60-300

●E basic damage: 35-155 → 55-195

●E deceleration: 20-80% → 40-80%


●Passive movement speed bonus: extra movement speed doubled (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●Q human form minimum damage magic power rate of return: 50% → 80%

●Maximum number of traps in W: 4/6/8/10 (based on level) → 100 (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●E human form basic treatment: 35-95 → 60-180

●E human form extra attack speed: 20-60% → 40-80%

●E Cougar form attack power yield rate: 0% → 80%

Nunu and Willump

●Q skill haste: 0 → 30

●Q damage: 100/160/220/280/340 (+65% spell power) (+5% extra health) → 120/180/240/300/360 (+70% spell power) (+7% bonus health)

●W damage: 180/225/270/315/360 (+150% spell power) → 215/260/305/350/395 (+150% spell power)

●R damage: 625/950/1275 (+300% spell power) → 655/980/1305 (+300% spell power)

●R shield effect: 65/75/85 (+150% spell power) (+30/40/50% extra health) → 85/95/105 (+150% spell power) (+40/50/60% extra health)


●Q damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+ 80/90/100/110/120% attack power) (+50% spell power) → 20/45/70/95/120 (+90/100/110/120/130% attack power) (+75% magic power)

●W passive attack speed: 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60% → 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% (Note: The changes have taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●W skill haste: 0 → 100

●R attack power yield: 70% → 100%


●Passive stun hit damage: 10% of maximum health → 12% of maximum health

●Q skill haste: 0 → 20

●E cooldown time for each hero: 8 → 5


●Q minimum base damage: 40/60/80/100/120 → 65/85/105/125/145

●Q maximum base damage: 90/155/220/285/350 → 130/195/260/325/390

●The number of layers of W each time a hero is involved in killing a hero: 15 → 45

●E armor reduction: 20% → 40%

●E deceleration: 40/45/50/55/60% → 55/60/65/70/75%

●R minimum damage: 150/300/450 → 200/350/500

●R maximum damage: 400/800/1200 → 600/1000/1400


●Q basic healing: 30-70 (+30% spell power) → 60-140 (+50% spell power)

●Q healing amount per point of rage: 0.5-2.3 (+1.2% spell power) → 1-4 (+2% spell power)

●W deceleration: 30-60% → 50-80%

●W attack power reduction: 20-80 → 30-120


●Q base damage: 70/110/150/190/230 → 100/140/180/220/260 (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

●R base damage: 180/230/280 → 250/300/350 (Note: The change has taken effect, but some text descriptions in the game will be inconsistent.)

Fighting Soul Arena Heroes Weakened


●W skill haste: 0 → -30


●Passive true damage: 3% (+4% per 100 additional attack power) → 2% (+3% per 100 additional attack power)

●W skill haste: 0 → -20


●Q percentage health damage: 6-10% → 5-9%

●Q attack power rate of return: 1.2% → 1%

●E skill haste: 0 → -20

●R basic damage: 175-525 → 100-300

Fighting Soul Arena Enhanced Rune Enhancement

Flag of Command

●Provide attributes: 15% increase → 20% increase

Blooming with vitality

●Conversion rate from treatment to damage: 40% → 50%


●Conversion rate from spell power to skill haste: 20% → 25%

First aid kit

●Healing and shield strength: 20% → 25%

Beginning and end

●Damage increase: 11% → 15%

●Damage: 25-75 (+30% bonus attack power) (+20% spell power) (+6 per layer) → 50-100 (+35% bonus attack power) (+25% spell power) (+10 per floor)

Supernatural Evil

●Cooling time: 0.75 seconds shared by all skills → 0.75 seconds for each skill slot

Fork of Torment

●Burn percentage of maximum health damage: 4% → 5%

Fighting Soul Arena Strengthening Runes Weakened

Boomerang OK Dart

●Damage: 55-275 (+30% extra attack power) (+20% magic power) → 45-225 (+25% extra attack power) (+17% magic power)

Reply all the time

●Basic healing per 1000 yards moved: 50-150 → 30-150

Soul connection

●Transfer damage: 30% → 25%

●Copy Healing: 40% → 45%

Knowing defense

●Damage reduction of knowing defense: 40% → 30%

Eager boy

●Conversion rate of skill haste to extra movement speed: 200% → 150%

Fighting Soul Arena Equipment Enhancement

Hot Incense Burner

●Attack speed provided: 30% → 40%

●Collateral damage: 20 → 25

Edge of Night

●HP: 325 → 400


●Confinement/slowdown duration: 1 second → 1.5 seconds

Power of strong wind

●Cooling time: 45 seconds → 30 seconds

●Attack speed: 15% → 25%

Bloodthirsty Battle Ax

●HP: 200 → 300

●Attack power: 50 → 55

Imperial Order

●Initial trigger damage: 50-90 → 70-130

●Friendly trigger damage: 100-160 → 120-200

Boots of Brightness

●Movement speed: 30 → 45

Siren Killer

●Attack power: 35 → 40

Box of the Iron Sun

●Shield value: 400-1000 → 600-1200

Night Reaper

●Cooling time: 30 seconds → 15 seconds

Fighting Soul Arena equipment weakened

Star eclipse

●Attack power: 60 → 50

●Triggered percentage of maximum health damage: 8% → 6%

Shine virtue

●Each period of healing effect: 6% of maximum health → 4% of maximum health

6. Surrender system

Some players are known to use surrender votes to express their dissatisfaction with the current game state or teammates. While it's okay to feel frustrated because you're having difficulty in the game, the League of Legends team doesn't believe it's okay to abuse features in League of Legends to interrupt and annoy teammates. With this change, the League of Legends team hopes to limit the rush of surrender votes and make surrender initiation more of a team action. The League of Legends team also spent some time making the surrender process cleaner overall.

●The name of the player who initiated the surrender vote will no longer be revealed.

●After initiating a surrender vote, the player who initiated the surrender vote cannot initiate another vote within 6 minutes. Please note that the team cooldown that initiated the surrender vote is still 3 minutes and takes precedence over the individual surrender cooldown.

●When a vote cannot be passed, the surrender vote will automatically end and will no longer remain open waiting for players to vote.

●The surrender box text has been updated to reflect the type of surrender being performed: surrender, AFK surrender, or restart.

7. Adjustments to the Arctic Brawl

After the last round of balance adjustments, the League of Legends team has managed to address some of the looming over- or under-performing champions, but wants to let the dust settle before making more adjustments. There are no tweaks of any kind in this patch, but the League of Legends team hopes to gather information about which heroes really need to be addressed, rather than making minor changes to a handful of heroes.

8. Myth Mall Rotation

Coming soon

●Zhizhen Jade Sword Legend Qin Fairy

●Ultimate Phantom Battle Cat Jinx

●Ultimate True Damage Yasuo

●The ultimate kingdom machine god Xuanwu Galen

●Ultimate Western Phantom Tai Lung

●Mythical colors

●Mythical colors

About to be removed

●Zhizhen Jade Sword Legend Wu Jianxian

●The ultimate blessed cow guardian Fiona

●The Ultimate Star Guardian Soraka

●The Ultimate Night Messenger Li Qing

●Mythical colors

●Mythical colors

9. BUG fixes and quality-level changes

Quality level changes

●In the gear recommender, when you hover over a hero that the gear can work against, the recommender will now tell you why the gear works against them.


●Fixed a BUG that caused the screen to no longer flash purple as a warning when Rift Pioneer was about to expire.

●Fixed a BUG that caused the group damage caused by the dragon to be increased if there were multiple heroes behind the hero that attracted the dragon's hatred.

●Fixed several bugs that caused Nidalee's dubbing to not play correctly.

●Fixed several bugs that caused Varus' dubbing to not play correctly.

●Fixed several bugs that caused Jax's voiceover to not play correctly.

●Fixed a bug that caused the visual effects of Kindred's E skill to not render correctly on impenetrable terrain.

●Fixed a BUG that caused heroes to slide when grounded.

●Fixed a BUG that caused Taliyah's Q group visual effects to fail to appear.

●Fixed a BUG that caused Foego to only copy the hero's basic skin when occupying the hero, but not the colors.

●Fixed a BUG that caused: if one of the holder's skills was blocked by the target hero's spell shield, the holder would not obtain the equipment effect.

●Fixed a BUG that caused the hit box of Doctor Mundo's Q to be misleading.

●Fixed a bug that caused Syndra's orb visual effects to not appear correctly based on image settings.

●Fixed a BUG that caused mosaics to appear on Leona's sword and shield.

●Fixed a BUG that caused the item to be listed as equipment in the store.

●Fixed a BUG that caused resurrection effects such as Zilan's ultimate skill to cause the effects of Infernal Dragon Soul to become unavailable.

●Fixed a BUG that caused Ryze's R to not teleport all non-hero units correctly.

●Fixed a BUG that caused: If all players with jungle equipment contributed to killing an epic monster, they would all receive snacks instead of just killing the epic monster. Only the team with level monsters will receive snacks.

●Fixed a bug where Nayafili's pack companions would not gain movement speed when trying to keep up with her.

●Fixed a bug where Nayafili's backflip animation would play on her W when she cast her W at close range.

●Fixed a BUG that caused Nayafili's dog companions to only attack once when they locked onto an enemy after being frightened or charmed.

●Fixed a BUG that caused Nayafili's Q to not display the bleeding visual effect when the second canine hit a different enemy.

●Fixed a BUG that caused Nayafeli's dog companions to not move after using certain movement mechanisms (such as Hex Flying Gate, Bard's E Magical Journey or being forced to move). Follow her.

●Fixed a bug where if Nayafili buffered her Q during the casting of her W, her Q would be fired after her W was completed.

Skin BUG repair

●Fixed a BUG that caused the sound effect of this skill to still play regardless of whether Q was fired or not.

●Fixed a BUG that made it difficult to distinguish the visual effects from the character model.

10. Upcoming Zhencai illustrations

With version 13.16, the following colorful illustrations will be online:

●My heart is pounding, Caitlin, my heart has come even before we meet

Eleven, upcoming skins and colors

The following skins are already in version 13.16:


Legend of the Jade Sword Winged Sword Immortal


Legend of the Jade Sword Dancing Dragon Guard


Legend of the Jade Sword Qin Fairy


Legend of the Jade Sword Divine Machine Fireworks


Legend of the Jade Sword Star Fairy


Legend of the Jade Sword Wu Jie


Zhizhen Jade Sword Legend Qin Fairy

The following colors are already in version 13.16:


Legend of the Jade Sword Qin Fairy


Legend of the Jade Sword Dancing Dragon Guard


Legend of the Jade Sword Winged Sword Immortal


Legend of the Jade Sword Wu Jie


Legend of the Jade Sword Star Fairy


Legend of the Jade Sword Divine Machine Fireworks

